74| Lost Powers

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"Okay. I have to see my mom. Help me go back," I said to Aang, plopping down on the floor. "Now. Please," I added.

"I can't," Aang said. "You don't have enough energy to go back. Going twice can tire you out. And," his grip tightened on his staff, "that was your first time."

"You don't understand!" My voice got loud. "My mom is there! I can find her. I can meet her."

"Hold on, what?" Katara said. "Mother? You mean, my mother right? Kya?"

"She's my mother too," I said, scowling. I was not in the mood to feel guilty for sharing a mom.

"That's not what I meant."

"I want to meet mom too," Sokka said, crossing his arms over his chest. "But that's not happening. Because she died."

"We don't know that," Katara stated. "We do not."

"Don't keep your hopes up," He retorted. "She hasn't come back. She died."

"She—" Katara refused to give in, but I cut her off.

"She's dead, Katara," I stated simply. "She's not coming back." Katara slumped against a pillar, her shoulders drooping. It was harsh, but it was the truth. And then I explained everything to her and Sokka, Zuko and Toph.

"Aang, if I tried, would I be able to meet her?" Katara finally asked.

Aang seemed to have broken down. "I don't think so. Ayame had a spiritual connection from before. I could sense it. But you . . . I don't think so."

Katara was heartbroken. "I'll just . . . I'll be back." We watched her walk away, trying to keep her posture.

"Sorry, Katara," Aang said sadly.

"I know I can meet her. I can talk to her for Kat—"

"No," Aang said, and that was the end of it. He whirled his staff swiftly between his fingers and walked off.

"Why does he have to be like that?" I groaned, leaning against Zuko. He put an arm around my shoulders.

"Why am I always left out of everything?" Toph scowled, turning on her heel and marching off. Sokka shot me a look.

"What?" I spread out my arms, accidently elbowing Zuko in the stomach. " What did I do?"

"Nothing." And he left me too.

"Did I do something?" I looked at Zuko, who shrugged, rubbing the sore spot on his stomach where I'd stabbed him with my elbow.

"Let me get some ice on this," he said to me, giving me an apologetic look.

"I could do that for you," I protested, but he waved me off.

"It's okay."

My elbow didn't do that much damage.


I sat in my room, criss-cross, the backs of my hands resting on my knees. If Aang wasn't going to help me, I would help myself get there.

I shut my eyes.

"Ommm," I said. " Ommm. Ommm." My throat vibrated. "Ugh." I rubbed it, slumping back. This wasn't going the way it should.

I got to my feet and walked into Zuko's room. He lay on the bed, his arm draped over his eyes. "Yeah?" He said, removing his arm. "Oh. Mei? What's wrong?" I pushed him over and lay down next to him.

"What did I do wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing, Ayame."

"So what's happening? Why do you think Aang won't take me back?"

"Maybe because he knows Katara better, likes her a little more, and would like her to meet her mother first."

"But . . . " my voice faltered. "She's my mom too."

"I know," Zuko said. "But you need to give them time."

"Okay," I said as he put his arm under my neck as a pillow. I turned to my side. "I'm glad you're here, Zuko." I brought my legs up slightly, curling into a ball. He looked up at the ceiling, and then smiled at me, not saying a word.


"My bending!" Zuko yelled. I woke with a start, rubbing my eyes. I took in my surroundings. I was still in Zuko's room.

I also realized I'd drooled just a bit, and that was embarrassing. I hoped with all my heart Zuko hadn't seen me like that.

"Um, guys," I heard Sokka's voice, "we have a problem."

"And what is that problem?" Katara asked.

"Zuko lost his bending."

Now I was really awake. I jerked to my feet and ran outside, combing my hair with my fingers. "What's wrong?"

"Well look who's awake," Toph said with a grin. "Zuko lost his bending."

"It would've been so convenient if that'd happened when he was hunting us down." Katara said scornfully, and I shot her a look.

"Zuko, what's wrong?" I asked calmly.

"Look." He took a step forward and punched straight towards me. In a flash, I put my hands up to split the oncoming firestorm, but instead, heard a little sound of air. Zuko was bending squirts of fire.

I couldn't help it. I started laughing. "That's so pathetic, Zuko." I laughed. "Even for you."

Zuko scowled. "I think it's because I don't have a reason to bend."

"What? How's that possible?" Katara asked.

"Before, Zuko wanted to hunt me down—no hard feelings—so his bending fueled off anger. Now he doesn't have a proper reason to bend since he's joined us."

"Let's make him angry, then." A grin spread across Sokka's face.

"I can do that well," I said with a smile. A hidden message passed through our eyes and we started laughing. Katara frowned in our direction.

"I know exactly what's wrong," Toph said, leaning against a pillar. "You need to go to the first firebenders. See, badger moles were the first earthbenders. That's where I'd go for help."

"Where do we find dragons?" Zuko scoffed.

"I have an idea," Aang smiled.

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