Chapter 3

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© Marci Marie 2016

"Good morning Philadelphia I'm Ginger Reynolds and I have all the celebrity gossip and this morning it's hot. I have a story that will wake you up this morning. So hold on to your cup of coffee, because this is hotter then it is. As you know the Love Doctor Eric Montgomery has been here in the city promoting his latest book 'Let's Get it On'. Well last night he went to a friends engagement party here in Philly at Fat Larry's bar. When the fans got a little out of hand the love doc got ghost and he wasn't alone he had a pretty little lady at his side to keep him company. According to our sources she is one of Philly's finest officer Tamara Deluca. The sister of Robert Deluca...Yes ladies the man who was named Phillys hottest bachelor last year. Well say good bye to your chances of catching him ladies he asked Lauren Rizzoli to marry him last night and of course she said yes. Anyway the lucky love doctor had his own private security to help him back to his private suite at the Ritz. I wonder if this is a one night stand or could this be what the doctor ordered. Anyway I intend to keep close eyes on these two ...I have a strange feeling about this hookup. This is Ginger Reynolds you've just got you celebrity dirt this morning.

The cup of coffee was poised at his lips as he prepared to take a sip of the hot brew when his mind registered what the report had just said. He could feel his blood pressure rising as he slammed the cup on the counter splashing hot black liquid all over the black marble counter top. Lifting the phone from it's cradle he hit the number 2 which speed dialed his sister. It took four rings for her to answer and by then he felt as if you could fry an egg on his head.

"Tell me you didn't."

"I didn't what?" She sat up in the bed. Rubbing the heel of her hand over her eyes. She already knew what it was about.

"You went off with that quack and slept with him."

" Who I sleep with is none of your business Robert."Now she was hot. Who she slept with no concern of Rob's she didn't tell him who to bed. She kicked the covers off and got up from the bed. Standing up she stretched looking at herself in the mirror she had on baggy sweats and a tank not the most attractive combo but she had no one to impress at the moment.

"Tamara! He's a male whore. You've seen the magazines and read the articles. Shit he's on the covers with a different chick every week. You're just the flavor of the fucking week. "

" You should know you use to be a male whore."

"This isn't about me Tam.

"Rob relax it's none of your business ."

"Oh so you've seen Get up Philly this morning.?"

"No I haven't why?"

"Oh you and Eric were the top story. "Sexy Cop Nabs Love Doc."

"You've got to be kidding me." Running downstairs Tamara opened the front door to grab the paper when flashes went off blinding her ."Oh My God she covered her eyes as she backed up slamming the door. Loud voices from the the other side screamed her name.

"Tamara are you alright?" She looked at the phone clutched in her hand. placing it to her ear.

"Rob there are a dozen or so reports at the door."

"Where is mom?"

"What the hell is going on?" Tamara watched as her mother tied her robe heading down the stairs.

" There's a load of reports out there."

"What do they want?" Tamara watched her mother as she walked toward the door looking through the blind only to have a strange man yelled out her name asking about her relationship with Eric. "Shit." She watched her mother as she stepped back.

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