Chapter 7

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Copyright © Marci Marie 2016

"She said no." Eric sat down still in shocked disbelief. No woman had ever turned him down. No the minx shot him down. Ian sat down opposite Eric examining him and burst out laughing " Did you at least get a good bye kiss."

"She told me I got that on the way to the restaurant it was no need to continue with something neither one of us was ready to finish."

"Nah and what did you say?"

"I was flabbergasted a woman never turned me down. I didn't know what to say or do. So I looked out the window." Eric held up his arms in exasperation.

"You're a fucking love therapist and you had nothing to say. What the fuck is wrong with you?" Liam p shook his head in disbelief. Eric looked from Ian to Liam."I seriously don't know."

"I know what the fuck is wrong with you."  Liam smiled loving that Eric was out of his comfort zone and  didn't even realize the obvious. "You have a thing for Tamara Deluca." Liam pointed to Eric. He knew his brother had on his poker face he didn't want any of them to know what he was thinking. Taking a swig he smiled as Eric shook his head in denial. "No I don't, we just had great sex and I wanted more great sex before I said my good byes to her." Eric looked at his brothers. "It's just  lust." He finished his drink needing another one hating that his brothers were trying to get  him to admit to feelings that weren't there.

"You've had great sex before so what's so special about sex with Tamara?" Eric closed his eyes and shook his head Ian was being a  pain just like Liam he had a feeling they were tag teaming with the questions. 

"Yeah what's so special doctor Montgomery?" Eric opened his eyes Liam who was sipping on his drink  and seemed to be very amused at Tamara's refusal and his discomfort with their questions hovered around like a vulture.

What could he say that she turned him on made him come hard and he wanted her like an addict wanted drugs. Know he would just go with the flow and avoid their questions altogether. " I need to get back to New York and get laid."

His  brothers began laughing at him full blown gut laughing. "Oh this is going to be interesting." Liam stopped and smiled at Eric.

"What's going to be interesting?" Eric arched a brow at him. "Seeing how long you can last in New York knowing Tamara's is here." Liam answered.

"What are you trying to say?" Eric looked at Liam. Knowing that his little brother was looking for payback over the mess with Lauren and Robert.

"I'm just saying. That all that  pinned up frustration is going to come to an head."

"Liam she'll be out of my head with my next lay which will be in less than an hour after I arrive back in New York."

"You know bro I think Tamara is going to be on your mind for along time. As a matter of fact I know it." Liam pointed at him. "You usually go for the model type long leggy willowy women. Tamara is curvaceous sexy siren." He put in just mess with Eric's head . 

"She is hot you beat me to her Eric." Ian put in as he dodged a pillow that Eric threw at him in frustration.

"Yeah that body is slamming." Stephan laughingly looked at his older brother who gave him an evil glare. " Your joining in with these two?" Eric watch Stephan give him a sheepish look and shake his head yes. He was not going to live this situation down with them. 

  He watched Liam crossed the room sit next to  his twin and place his  arm over Ian's  shoulder   then turn to his carbon copy and give him a conspiratorial wink.   " Ian somebody said that our older brother has finally met a woman that he can't handle."

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