Chapter 12 Fall For You

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Copyright © Marci Marie 2016

A/N  Things are about to get a little rocky uncertainty and fear of change is about to lead to problems.  Thanks to my faithful readers please continue to comment and vote :)M

I open my eyes after a night of hot sex and I feel her body entwined with mine. I kiss the top of her head she moans and squeezes me in her sleep. I'm her human pillow. I'm in heaven....The click of my room door being open draws my attention. Of course in pops Ian head.

"Holy shit ...Eric damn .. Im sorry bro." I glare at Ian ..."Just shut the fucking door and learn to knock first idiot." I hear twin laughter..and groan as Tam slowly comes to life...yawning " Hey beautiful." She looks at me with sleep eyes and a smile spreads across her face I take a deep breath because Im hard as hell.. "Did your brothers just see my ass?"

"I'm afraid so."She crawls up my body positioning herself on my very erect second man .."Baby" I moan in pleasure. Her hair is a sexy mess and her eyes have a sexy glaze as she starts to ride me.

After having amazing morning sex and amazing shower sex with my baby. I get dressed to start my day. Although I having a hard time since I can't keep my eyes off Tamara whose walking around in pink lace panties and a bra. " Is that part of your uniform." I ask as I grab my suit jacket she's sliding into black trousers that fit her body hugging her in all the right places and feel a spark of jealousy knowing that other men are going to be looking at her as and wanting her. Shit I've never been jealous before in my life. " Are you okay?" I smile to ease the worried look that has her brow creasing. I'm fine I say as I grab her pulling her close so I can get a quick squeeze of her ass in them pants. My lips close over hers and I let my hands settle on her soft ass taking to hands full pulling her into my second in command who is turned on. "Enough Eric." She nudges me away. " I to go to work and so do you." walk into my living room to find Ian and Liam looking at the news on the flat screen having coffee and eating what's left of a box of donuts ..."Why are you two still here?" Liam holds out a cup of coffee that I sip and find luck warm. "It took you long enough."

" We have a show to prepare for lover boy." I know I have a big cheesy grin on my face. Should I be offended by that comment. Naw, I just sit down grab a chocolate donut and smile as I take a bite... sip my coffee "Oh you're so fucking whipped you don't have a comeback." Twin eyes look at me they sit up identically and I realize that these two have transitioned into their identical selves where if you didn't know who was who you couldn't tell them apart. " What are you guys up too?" I look from one to the other. "Nothing." They answered in unison and look at each other then back at me. Now I'm sure there up to no good. "So Ian why did you go back to shaving, when you usually like having that day old fuzz on your face?"

"What's with the interrogation Eric?" I look at Liam. "I wasn't talking to you. I asked my other brother." I look back to Ian who looks at Liam. " Ah ha.. What's that?" I point at each of them. "What's what?" They say simultaneously. Then look at each other again."Stop that." They say to each other. I laugh. If I had a buzz it would be hilarious. "So which of you are going to tell me." "There is nothing to tell." They give each other an identical evil stare. " Oh really? You both are guilty. I see it and hear it."

"Bull shit Eric.." They say sitting back like they hate to be twins and I laugh you can't fool a jokester like me. Liam has Ian doing dirty work out of guilt. My two little brothers are such armatures. When it comes to playing the games I can only laugh.

"Their so cute when they do that twin thing."I feel a tinge of jealousy as I look at my brothers give Tam appreciative look then turn to me with identical smirks. I stand walking towards Tam as she enters the room. She has minimal makeup on but she still looks beautiful with her thick chocolate mane thrown into a ponytail,her sensible walking shoes an, her badge attached to her waist band and a gun and holster that are hidden by her waist length leather jacket. She's sexy as hell and for the first time I feel a little fear. She's a detective. "Have you been shot at before?" The words came out so fastand In an instant her smile is gone. " I'm an officer Eric. Yes I have been shot at and I have shot people." "Wow," The twins again but I wasn't concerned about them. I was scared that Tamara might one day get shot and leave me forever. How could I a man who just entered her life tell her to walk away from her passion? "Is it a problem." She gave that look to put me on the spot. I had to man up but yeah it was a problem.

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