5 | Nala

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There were a few different ways I imagined tonight going and Carsen turning down my idea wasn't one of them. Megan did warn me that he was arrogant but seeing him in action tonight was different. Before walking over to the VIP section where I had no idea if I would be let in or not, I watched him. He sat between two guys: One with an ochre brown skin tone and skinny arms where the man on his right was much older looking, possessed the same ivory skin as Carsen and sported a five o'clock shadow. But it was Carsen who held my attention the longest.
Dressed in a three-piece black suit that was no doubt custom made and tailored to fit his body, he looked good, and that was an understatement. His hair, full and golden brown was combed stylishly and he completed the look with a pair of designer sunglasses. Even with his eyes were shielded I could tell he looked disinterested. His body gave him away. But even slouched on the couch and as far away I was from him I could sense the power he eluded and the confidence he gave off. It was almost intimidating. But I had a job to do, money that would solve my problem, and that was the only reason I walked over there.
I'm sure you've heard of me, because who hasn't? I replay his words in my head as I make my way towards the bus stop.
Megan wasn't kidding when she said he had a big ego. Not that I could blame him entirely. I did some research and turns out he's one of Hollywood's youngest superstar and hottest entertainer but he recently he's also been tagged as Hollywood's hottest bad boy.
And I had to make him fall in love with me.
The sound of doors closing snaps me out of my thoughts and I blink to see the bus pulling off. Falling into action, I take off running in its direction but I'm too late. The bus is already speeding down the road leaving me in its dust.
I stand there in disbelief as I watch the bus until it disappears from my sight. How the heck was I supposed to get home now? I sigh in frustration just as I hear thunder. Oh God please don't let it rain.
I contemplate my options as I sit on the steel bench next to the bus stop sign. I could walk, I think to myself. But that would take hours and unfortunately, six inch heels aren't exactly walking shoes and I wouldn't get home til the next day. I would take a cab only I didn't bring enough money. My only option was to call Vance and hope he would be free to come pick me up.
I dial his number and leave a voice message when I don't get a response. I follow it with a quick text, feeling like a huge burden after I hit send. He already does so much for me that I hated bothering him for a ride home but I was out of options.
I'm still waiting for a callback or a text from Vance when I feel the first raindrop on my head. In a matter of seconds rain is coming down, and I sit there wishing I had brought an umbrella with me. I pick up my phone to call Vance again but stop when a black car pulls up to stop in front of me. Peeking his head out of the driver's side is Carsen West.
"Are you okay?" He shouts from the window.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just waiting for the bus."
"I saw a bus pull away a few seconds ago. Could be a while before another one comes."
"I'll be okay."
"Do you need a ride?" He offers, taking me by surprise.
"No, thank you. I have a ride coming already." I lie. Well, it wouldn't be a lie if Vance would just pick up his damn phone.
"Okay. I'll wait with you then." And before I can tell him no, he's opening the door and walking over to me.
"You don't have to wait," I tell him.
"It's fine. You said your ride is coming right?"
"Right." I smile nervously.
"You're getting wet." He states and before I can ask what he's doing he's shrugging out of his suit jacket and putting it over my head.
"Why are you doing this? What are you doing here?" I asked. Didn't he have some after party to go to or some size one model to go screw? Why was he here being a gentleman protecting me from the rain while he got soaked?
"Well, I was on my way home when I saw you sitting here looking upset. It's dark and it's raining; so I wanted to make sure you were okay." Carsen explained, sounding sincere.
I peeked up at him from underneath my eyelashes, hoping to catch a glimpse of mischief in his eyes to contradict the worry in his voice. There was no way I was gonna fall for this chivalry act.
"That was nice of you, but I'm fine. You can go home." I reassure him as I look down at my screen to see that Vance still hadn't text me back yet.
"I'm not gonna leave you out here in the dark by yourself with you looking like that. Anything can happen to you. I'm staying."
"You're getting wet," I mumble in response. It wasn't raining but it was drizzling and he just stood there uncaring.
"I'll survive." He replied and pushed the blazer over my head more, shielding me completely from getting wet.
I was sure making Carsen  sick with a cold wasn't the revenge Megan wanted and frankly I wanted to get home as soon as possible. Right now wasn't the best time to have pride.
"I'll take the ride if the offer is still available," I say softly.
Carsen smiles. "Come on." He guides over to the passenger side of the car with the blazer still over my head.
I reach for the handle and open the door to see a guy sitting in there. "Oh, hi," I say surprised.
"What's going on Car?" The boy asked, looking up at Carsen. He was my skin color, maybe a shade lighter and had tired, dark brown eyes. I notice he was the guy that was sitting next to Carsen in the VIP section.
"I'm giving Nala a ride home. Get in the back."
"Oh, it's fine. I can sit in the back." I argue. It was bad enough he was giving me a ride, no need for me to make his friend uncomfortable too.
"No you're gonna sit in the passenger seat," Carsen tells me firmly. "Get your ass in the back Nix." He orders his friend and Nix mumbles curse words as he maneuvers his body out of his seat and climbs into the back.
"Thank you," I say loudly as I climb into the seat and buckle up.
"No problem."
My door is closed for me and I watch as Carsen runs to the driver side and climbs in.
"So just so we're clear, you're not interested in a 3-some?" Carsen asked as he turned on the ignition.
"That's it, I'm walking home. Goodnight." I reach for the handle.
"Would you relax?" Carsen laughs. "I was kidding, damn! Are you always this uptight?"
"No." I say, feeling defensive.
"Could've fooled me." Carsen replies as he starts to drive.
"And that's based off what, the twenty minutes that you've know me?"
"That's based on the twenty minutes that I've known you and you haven't smiled once."
"Well missing the bus and being caught in the rain only to be forced to take a ride from from an arrogant pop-star would wipe the smile off anyone's face."
"That's sexy arrogant pop-star to you." Carsen replies and I roll my eyes. "So who am I dropping off first?"
I open my mouth to say me but his friend speaks up before I can.
"Me. Vanessa just texted me." His friend says eagerly.
"Say no more." Carsen chuckles.
The drive to where his Friend Nixon lives is a short one and too soon it's just me and Carsen in the car.
"So where do you live?"  Carsen asks once we're alone and I give him my address. "So a mentoring program huh? Why?"
"I think it will be good to have a program where kids and teens can turn to where someone can help them with their music."
"I get that, but what made you think of that idea?"
"One too many times I've seen celebrities donate checks to schools music program, sing a song or two, and say how they're glad they're helping with such a great cause but if you guys really want to help make a difference then why don't you open up your own program and really help those kids? You have time to write a check then you should have time to sit down and really help those kids."
"But we have careers, we can't just add that kind of responsibilities onto our plate," Carsen argues and I scoff in response.
"But you have time to endorse a perfume and boxers that you don't even wear? Why not endorse and be a part of something that's actually important? There are kids out there who are decades more talented than some of the mainstream artist out right now but will never get their chance because they either don't have people who believe in them or have a place where they can hone their skills." I sneak a peek at Carsen and he looks impressed.
"Are you a singer or something?" He wonders and I couldn't help but laugh. My singing career begins and ends whenever I'm in the shower.
I shake my head. "No. But music is important to me. It's was an escape from reality when I need it to be. They're a few artist whose music got me through some hard times and I just want to give that chance to someone else." I confess. "
"You make a compelling point," Carsen responds and I press my lips together in response. A minute of silence later and Carsen is pulling up to the apartment complex where I live.
"This is me." I unbuckle my seat belt before facing Carsen. "Thanks for the ride."
"No problem."
I gather my clutch then step out of the car. "Goodnight." I slam the door shut and head inside the apartment.
Vance is sitting down on the couch in the living room watching Game of Thrones.
"You can't answer your phone bro?" I place my clutch on the table before walking over to him.
Vance turns his head and frowns at my appearance. "Where did you go?"
"My boss invited me to a party," I tell him before planting myself next to him on the black suede couch.
"And you wore that?" His frown deepens and I pull the hem of the dress down a little bit before scoffing.
"Please. I was dressed like Mother Mary compared to the other girls."
"How did you get home?"
"What's with the twenty questions?" I look at him. "Carsen West  gave me a ride."
"Carsen West? As in Hollywood's biggest playboy and wannabe thug?" Vance rose a thick brow at me.
"The one and only." I nod my head. "I missed the last bus and he saw me and offered me a ride. After you wouldn't pick up your phone, I accepted and he drove me home." I explained but the knot between my brother's brows remained in place. "What's wrong?"
"I don't like what I hear about that guy. Promise me you won't get mixed up with him?"
I won't... once I get my money.
"I promise," I say out loud instead of what I was thinking. Vance visibly relaxes at my promise before he pats me on my knee then turns his head back to the TV. Game Of Thrones resumes and I take that as my cue to leave. Standing up from the couch, I bend down low enough to kiss Vance's cheek. "Love you, bro."
"Love you too sis." He smiles before turning his head again.  Once I'm in my room and changed into my pajamas I lay in bed and wonder what was gonna happen next now that the plan has been set in motion.

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