28| Nala

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I was finding it extremely hard to get ready for my dinner date with Carsen with Vance's overbearing presence in my bedroom.

     "So you're really dating a celebrity." Vance states, almost surprise as I am. But it's funny because I don't really see Carsen as a celebrity. He's just Carsen. My Carsen.

     "He's just Carsen." I reply back as I reach for my foundation.

     "And he treats you good?" I glance at my older brother who picked up the stuffed hockey puck Carsen got me on our first date.

     "Yes. He's honestly the most amazing person I've ever met." I answer sincerely.

     "Then I guess I have to accept it."

     "Aww that's cute," I say to him. "You actually thought your approval mattered." I say jokingly. The truth is, Vance's opinion does matters a lot to me so I'm glad I got his approval of Carsen.

"You're so funny." Vance says, setting the stuffed puck back down on my bed. "Have a good date."

"Thank you." I smile when he kisses the top of my head before turning back around to finish my makeup.

An hour passes by the time I finish applying makeup, leave my apartment and drive to Carsen's house.

"You're early." Carsen states, surprise the second he answers the door.

"I hope that's okay. I figure I can help you cook or set up?"

Carsen steps back and opens the door wider so I can step inside.

"Yeah, that would be great actually." Carsen admits before he kisses me. "Hi."

"Hi." I smile. I glance down at his outfit, admiring the long sleeve fitted black shirt he's wearing. "You look like a masterpiece."

Carsen laughs, his mega watt smile appears because of it the same time his dimples do and I swear I swoon a little inside.

He really is a beautiful human being.

"Stop curls. You're too sweet." Carsen says before pulling me by my hips and wrapping his arms around me. "You're stunning."

How can I possibly not smile at that? Instead of thanking him, I capture his lips with mine.

"I hope you're hungry. I don't mean to brag, but this just might be the best steak you've ever had."
Carsen says as he leads me into the kitchen.

"I will be the judge of that." I say, even though it does smell really good.

Carsen divvy the food between the two of us while I set the table and moments later we're both finally sitting, with me more than ready to dive in but first Carsen wants to make a toast.

     "Here's to an incredible night with the most beautiful girl in the world..." Carsen pauses before adding "who I love."

     If I had taken a sip of my champagne, it would be sprayed all over the table just now.

     Did Carsen just say he loves me?

     Nope. Nope. Nope.

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