15| Nala

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I had the pleasure of no longer working for Megan anymore, at least not as her maid. I now worked for Kiara, the raven-haired girl I met the day of it all. She was nice, well nicer than Megan but then again I have only been working for her for a few days now. During my break, I checked TMZ and Twitter for anything mentioning Carsen and the teepee crusade we went on last night but there was no mention of it to my relief.

At one point, I even found myself relishing in our night of mischief. I had a lot of fun. The snacks were the icing on the cake though. I had a great time with Carsen even though we were doing something as dangerous as vandalizing someone's home then something simple as eating ice cream in his car.  But if he thought I was falling for him already, he was mistaken. Yeah, we had a good time watching our favorite childhood movies, hiking,  eating popsicles, and destroying property, but I didn't learn anything about him.

Falling in love isn't something that happens overnight. It takes time. So I was glad I had more opportunities to make Carsen open up to me.

When the end of my shift came I was glad to be going home. I was looking forward to a nap which would be easy to do since I didn't have to worry about getting arrested for my little daredevil moment since it looked like no one caught us on video.

I was heading to the front door when Megan stepped out of the living room. Her lips curved distastefully as she took in my ratty white sneakers. Kiara didn't require a maid uniform like Megan did so I dressed comfortably in a pair of khaki pants and a gray tee. My hair was up in a messy ponytail. As she continues to take the rest of me I didn't like the way she looked at me as if I were a smudge of her designer heel.

"You look like crap." She tells me disapprovingly.

I had enough of her talking down to me. So she had money. That didn't make her better than me. "Megan, you can't talk to me any way you want. I have feelings."

"You work for me remember? I can do whatever the hell I want." I roll my eyes and take a step to move past her but Megan grabs my arms. "Hey, I've invested a lot into you. So excuse me if I'm expecting to get what I paid for. But until you make me believe that my money was well spent, you don't have to like me and I don't have to respect you."


She was such a bitch. Before it was easy to feel sorry for her but the more time I spend with her the more I'm starting to think she got what she deserved.

"So how are things going between you and Carsen? I know you didn't think I stopped by just to catch up."

"It's going well. But not enough for me to want to go out-"

"Excuse me? I'm not Match dot com. We're not trying to get you a boyfriend. We're trying to destroy Carsen West."

"These things take time Megan. I can't rush it. Maybe that was the problem with you and all the other girls. If you would've taken things slow maybe you and Carsen would've been together."

She placed her hand on her hip as she glared at me. "Are you saying I was easy?"


"No. Of course not," I quickly reassure her. "I'm just saying you didn't challenge Carsen that's all. Guys like a chase. A guy like Carsen likes a challenge. They don't want everything handed to them. When you resist them they want you more and that's what I'm doing with Carsen. If I give into him now I'm no different than the other girls he's been with and he'll lose interest and all of your hard work will be for nothing. You paid me to do a job so let me do it. I promise you will get results."

"You better. Or else I will destroy your reputation so fast you won't know what hit you. I need progress Nala. I mean seriously, have you two even kissed yet?"

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