Scott McCall Imagine~Just shut up about it!

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I've a blog on tumblr where I post imagines. I post my Imagines also here. The link to my blog is in my description.


Words: 1.775

Paring: Scott x Reader

Warnings: fluff, fight, aggressive stuff

Requested by: teenwolfaddictedthings (tumblr)

Request: Could you do an imagine where y/n is Scott's girlfriend and he forgot her birthday because of all his trips to Mexico. When he comes back she is mad and he doesn't know why. Then they have a fight about it. You can make it further. Could you also put a lot of fluff in it?

A/N: Well I did my best and I hope you like it. Italic lettertype are flashbacks and texts.

Y/n's POV.

I'm sitting on the couch watching Netflix on my TV. My phone suddenly starts making noises. I grab my phone and I see that Scott sent me a text. 'Can we talk?' NO! Of course we can't. He forgot my birthday! My eighteenth birthday! The others sent me a card and that is still something but Scott didn't even do anything. When he came back he also didn't do anything. I tried to give him hints but he didn't understand them.

"Scott, you're back!" I say. "I know. I missed you! Did something special happen when I was gone?" he asks. "Seriously?" I ask. Did he actually forget my birthday? "You're right it's Beacon Hills," he says and he gives me a kiss on my cheek. He walks away and I stay standing with my mouth open of amazing. He actually forgot my birthday. "Did look at the calendar?" I ask. Maybe with a hint he remembers it. "No, but I know every important birthday and we don't have one close," he says. That's just rude! "It's cute how you think of everybody." Apparently I'm the only one here who does that. He walks into the kitchen. "So do you have something for me?" I ask suddenly. Maybe another hint helps. "Of course I do!" he says. Yes! He didn't forget my birthday after all. He kisses me. No, he forgot it. I pull myself out of the kiss and I grab my stuff. "What are you doing?" he asks. "I'm going," I say and I walk away. "But... Y/N! Wait!" he calls but I go to my car and I drive away.

That happened a few hours ago. I don't want to talk to him. I don't want to see him. I don't even want to think about him. I start an movie and I see another message coming on my phone. 'Y/n, come on!' I put my phone with the screen down and I look back at the TV. My phone starts to make noises again and I see that Scott is calling. I make the noise stop but I get more and more frustrated. The phone starts to buzz and I grab it. Again Scott. Out of anger I throw my phone against the wall. The glass shatters and everything falls on the ground. The buzzing did stop but now my phone is dead. I grab a dustpan and a brush. I clean everything and I throw the pieces glass away. I put everything that is left of my phone on the table. I go back to the couch and I start the movie again.

Scott's POV.

"But...Y/N! Wait!" I call while y/n is walking to her car. She steps in and she drives away."Y/N!" I call again but her car is already gone. I have no idea what just happend. She said something about a calendar and over giving her something. Well I gave her a kiss. I walk back into my house and I see Stiles coming from upstairs. "Well that didn't go well," he says. "You were listening?" I ask. "Malia was," he says and Malia smiles. Lydia gives me a drink. "Why was she mad? Did I miss something?" I ask. "Dude, she's a girl. They are just complicated," Stiles says what is giving him death glares from Lydia. "Scott, don't be so mean to her and give her, her present," Lydia says. "Why should I give her a present?" I ask. "Scott! Stop it!" Malia says. "Oh my god!" Stiles says and he face palms himself. Lydia hits me on the back of my head. My mother walks in and she stops walking. "What did I miss this time?" she asks. "Mister McCall here has forgotten y/n eighteenth birthday," Stiles says. "OH MY GOD!" I say and I face palm myself. My mother also hits me on the back of my head. "I have to go to her right now!" I say and I grab my car keys. I run over to my car and I start it. I drive to her house but her car isn't there. I get out of my car and I walk to the door. I ring the bell and I also knock on the door but there is no one opening it. I grab a piece of paper and I write something down on it. 'I'm so sorry! Let me make it up to you, please? Love Scott' I put it on the doorstep and I walk back to my car. I drive back home but before I'm home it starts to rain. I walk back in the house and I jump on the couch. "She wasn't home," I tell them.

It has been a week since y/n and I had a fight and I hate it. I had tried to talk to her all week but on some way she is able to avoid me. I texted her, called her, wrote notes to her, messaged her on any social media thing that exists and I went to her home every day but I haven't seen her or talked to her since the fight. It's late in the night and I see the moon shining in the dark. I'm walking to herd door and I ring the bell.

Y/n's POV.

I'm lying on my bed. I can't sleep. I can't stop thinking about Scott. It's a week after our fight. I was really mad at him but I do miss him! I love him. Even after he forgot my birthday. I can't call him because I broke my phone. Did I forgot to tell that my laptop is dead too? I had a bottle with water and I tripped. Last week I tried to avoid Scott and it did work. A bit.

I'm standing by my locker. I've had great excuses to avoid Scott but now I'm pretty much running out of them. "Scott, has been looking everywhere for you!" Malia says. She wants to continue talking but I raise my hand. "I'm officially mad at Scott so don't try to change my mind with how he has to tried to contact me," I say. "He is walking towards you," Malia says. "WHAT?" I turn around and I see him walking slowly towards me. Meanwhile the others are standing with us. "What do I have to do?" I ask. "Talk to him," Stiles says. "NO!" I grab my stuff. "Does anyone has an good excuse?" I ask. "You know he can here you?" Liam asks. "Good point," I say and I start to run. "Y/N?" Liam calls but I ignore it and I run further. Just running away from him and them. I don't care to what happens next. Just run.

I was panicking. I always run when I'm panicking. Suddenly I hear the bell ring. Why would someone stand for my door on this time of the day. Probably a rapist would. My parents where this week gone for some business trip. This week I haven't been home lately. I stayed at the park. I walk downstairs and I open the door. It's raining and a wet Scott is standing on my porch. "Come in!" I say and he walks in. "Come upstairs so you can dry yourself," I tell him and we walk upstairs. I give him towels and some clothes from him that he gave to me when I needed them but I never returned them. I sit on the bed and he walks out of the bathroom. He goes sitting on my chair and there is an awkward silence.

"I'm so sorry about forgetting your birthday," he suddenly says. "I know you were just being busy with the pack so you forgot about someone else you cared about," I tell him. "Cared?" he asks and he grabs my hands. He goes sitting on his knees in front of me. "I still care about you! I've never stopped caring about you and I never will!" I put my arms around Scott's neck and I feel he is very surprised. He puts his arms around me too. I just needed to hear those words. I hoped and I knew he cared about me but I just needed to hear it. We stop hugging but he stays sitting in front of me. "I promise you I will make it up to you," he says. "I know you would," I tell him. "I have to admit that this was much more easier than I thought it would be," he says. "I wasn't mad just hurt. And all this day I wasn't really mad anymore," I say. "Why did you never respond or called me?" he asks. I grab a box where I put my phone in and I show it to him. "I also accidently killed my laptop," I say. "Why did you ran away?" he asks. "I panicked," I tell him and he start to laugh. "Last question, why did you never open the door?" he asks. "I wasn't home but in the park," I tell him. "So what did you thought about my notes?" he asks. "What notes?" I ask. "The ones I left at your door," he says. "Never found them," I tell him. "You know what. It doesn't matter. I love you," he says. "I love you too!" I tell him and I kiss him. After the kiss he grabs his jacket and he has a little box in his hands. "What's that?" I ask. "I saw this in the store and I had one made. I wanted to give it to you for your birthday but I was being an asshole so I couldn't give it to you," he says. He gives me the little box and I open it. There is a small golden medallion. There is a wolf carved on it and I open it. There is photo of me and Scott in it. 'y/n & Scott' That's standing on the other side. "It is beautiful!" I tell him. He puts the necklace around my neck and I kiss him. "I'm still really sorry and..." Before he could finish his sentence I kiss him. After a few minutes of kissing I pull back and I rest my forehead on his. "I forgive you. Now could you just please shut up about it?" I ask and he kisses me.

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