Theo Raeken/Tracy Stewart One shot~ I promise

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Requested by: one-shots-imagines

Request: Could you write a one shot for Theo/Tracy where the chimera pack and the mcall pack are like trapped in richer together and Tracy has a night terror and starts attacking everyone and he calms her down by kissing her??

A/N: I'm terrible at names! I write Stacy instead of Tracy! So with my fandoms and in reality I'm terrible at it! I'm hopeless! I want to say that I'm going on a holiday I have no idea if I have wifi there. I hope so but even if I do I don't have much time to write because I'm going to ski. I do keep my requests open but I'm not sure if I can write. Please sent your requests in before 4:00 Dutch time and that is 22:00 America time so I can write during the travelling.

Warnings: fluff, nightmare (me being terrible at warnings)

Words: 3.589

Pairing: Theo x Tracy

Third POV.

"So why did we have to come here?" Corey asks. Josh, Corey, Tracy, Theo and Hayden are standing in Theo's living room. "We must get into the safe of the Dread Doctors," Theo says. "Please a bit more explanation?" Hayden asks. "They know who the Beast is and there might be some answers for us in their safe," Theo explains. "And how are we supposed to get in there?" Josh asks. "I mean they are the Dread Doctors if there are answers there, it would be really difficult to get them." "I have a blue print from the safe," Theo says. "Please don't say that we are going to be pathetic like Stiles?" Tracy asks. "Just listen," Theo says. "Around the safe is an electrocuted fence Josh can take it off of it so we can pass on it. Then there are cameras. That's Corey's thing. You have to demolish the cameras. Then Tracy has to use her Kanima abilities and she can open the safe with a switch. We all go into the safe except for Corey. You can be invisible so they won't see you if they come. You have to warn us immediately if you see someone coming. Does everybody understand it from this far?" Theo asks. Everyone nodes. "Good because there is a second entrance but we'll use this one as an exit. It's here. On the southwest side of the entrance. If we open the door it's Hayden's turn. She has to clear the way for us to come through. It has to be fast because once someone took something out of the safe the alarms go off by the office from the Dread Doctors. I will leave something that will put them on the wrong path so they won't suspect us. Once Hayden is done Josh will take the fence off again and we will flee," Theo explains. "I don't like it," Hayden says. "You don't really have a choice," Theo says. "If I would I wouldn't be here," she says. "It sounds so easy. A bit too easy," Tracy says. "It will be alright. The Dread Doctors just never thought we would turn against them," Theo says. "Alright, when is this going to happen?" Corey asks. "Tonight," Theo says. "And you had to tell us that at 3 in the morning?" Hayden asks. "Some of you don't really fight that good because it could be possible that there are security people around. Of course Tracy can take them easily out but she can't take them out all at once," Theo says. "Not only security people but also other monsters hiding close to the safe." The others nod. "And you're going to teach us?" Corey asks. "I'm going to show you the basics of fighting without your venom or your invisibility," Theo says. "Just with our super strength but not with our other abilities," Josh asks and Theo nods. "I'm going to train every single one of you if I'm not training you, you are going to work on your abilities to have them better under control. Not only your fighting skills but also using your senses during the fights because people could sneak up behind you and knock you out from behind," Theo explains. "Also something important you have to work on is the pack. How stronger you become as a pack how stronger you become individual." "What are we supposed to do trust exercises?" Hayden asks. "I don't really care how you do it but packs are closer than a family so become one," Theo says. "First I start with training Hayden because she is the worst fighter of you guys." "Hey!" Hayden says. "Sorry, but you just have the worst experience," Theo says. "That is because you always say that I have to stay outside! Or I can't even come," she says. "That is because you have a weakness for Liam," Theo says. "Not funny!" Hayden says and she throws a pencil against his head. "Thanks for that now Hayden basement. The rest, just try to become a pack and to not kill each other," Theo says and he walks to the basement. Hayden follows him and the others stay in the living room. "So what are we supposed to do now?" Tracy asks. "What Theo said," Corey says. "Listen to Corey!" Theo yells from the basement and everyone laughs. "So Corey how is it with you and Mason?" Josh asks. "Shut up!" Corey says. "I think you guys are cute," Tracy says. "Again, shut up!" Corey says and they all laugh.

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