Liam Dunbar imagine~Lacrosse-girl

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Requested by: horriblepunz4dayz (Tumblr)

Request: May I have an one-shot where Liam helps out of shape reader work out to get on the lacrosse team? Please

A/N: I hope you like it

Warnings: none

Words: 1.447

Pairing: Liam Dunbar x Reader

Y/N's POV.

Liam and I are playing Lacrosse but he obviously wins all the time. "Time-out," I say and I put my hands on my knees. "Already? We've just started," he says. "Shut up!" I say. "You know I thought you would want to join the Lacrosse team. You love Lacrosse so why not try out for the team?" he asks. "I can't. I can't even go through one game without dying," I say. "I can't even survive one PE lesson of coach Finstock." "You were amazing at PE when we were young. You've always beaten me with Lacrosse when we were young. You were the Lacrosse-girl," he says. "That was when we were twelve. I've changed and so have you. You were an idiot when you were young," I say. "Thank you," he says. "But why didn't you qualify for the team then?" "Because nobody thought it was possible that a girl could make the team. Until Kira did," I say. "You can be the first human girl on the team that will make it because of her skills and not because of her supernatural being," Liam says. I've loved Lacrosse since I was little. I loved to watch every game on TV. I loved to see the live games even more. And when I got older I always went to the school games. When I was young I wanted to join the team but nobody ever thought girls could join. After Kira everyone changed their minds. Liam is right. I used to be good. I used to beat every person. Even the guys. Of course I wasn't stronger than them but I used tactics to avoid them when they tried to tackle me. Later I've learned how to tackle someone with using their own strength. I came at school with a good mood about joining the Lacrosse team but my friends told me a girl could never join. I shouldn't have been so stupid to listen to them. I should've joined. I stopped playing Lacrosse. I stopped playing every sport. A girl can't join the team. A girl can't play Lacrosse it isn't girly. Sporting isn't girly at all. That's what I've been told. "Liam, I need to ask you a favour," I say. "What?" he asks. "You need to get me in shape by the end of the summer," I say. "Because then I will try to qualify for the Lacrosse team." Suddenly Liam starts to smile. "I will help you get in shape so you can beat every person on the planet at Lacrosse," he says. "I am going to make a schedule for you and we'll start now by cleaning your house from every junk food. It isn't bad to eat it sometimes but right now we need to get you in shape as soon as possible. By the way. You are beautiful in or out of shape."

"C'mon y/n, you need to run a little faster," Liam says. "I am trying to!" I say when I am running on the treadmill. I've been training for two months straight. At first it was fun and it still is but not as much as in the beginning. I love sporting but I haven't done anything but that. In the morning I have a sport breakfast. Then I start sporting all day long. I have some breaks but Liam says that I can't take too much breaks. He is amazing for helping me but he is more driven than I am now. He is almost just like coach Finstock. Liam is just hotter than him. But both of them are so annoying. Liam has a whole plan for me. First we get me in shape like everyone else. Then we get me in shape so I am strong enough for Lacrosse. And at last he is going to learn me tactics. In the evening I eat my sport supper and later I do a little bit of exercises. But after that I am just going to sleep. During my breaks I eat and drink somethings but that's it. Imagine that two months long. I am getting so sick of him. They say that when you are for too long too close with someone they will work on your nerves. That is true with Liam. He is a good friend of mine but this is getting annoying. "Faster!" he yells. "C'mon! C'mon! C'mon!" With every word he says I am getting more pissed off at him. "I need to go. Scott needs me," Liam says and he walks away. I go on with my trainings but Liam stays away for too long.

I haven't seen him in two weeks. I've worked the whole time. I've done everything I was supposed to do. The training gets harder by the day. I haven't slept well because I went late to bed and got up early. Plus the trainings are getting me really tired. I was sitting on the couch for my break but I accidently fell asleep. Suddenly I hear a bang and I shoot up. I accidently fall from the couch but I stand up again ready for attack. I see Liam standing in front of me. He is looking really mad. "Is that what've done the two weeks that I was gone. Laying on the couch doing nothing?" he asks. "Excuse me?" I ask. "You've heard me," he says. "I haven't laid down on the couch the moment you started 'helping' me. I've done everything you wanted me to. Actually I haven't even done anything but that! I have run the treadmill over and over again. I've run every inch of this city and you dare to say to me that I haven't done a thing!" I say. "I thought you wanted me to help?" he asks. "Yes, I am sorry but this isn't that easy you know," I say. "I understand," he says. "I start to act like coach Finstock, huh?" "Yeah," I say. He sits down on the couch and pulls me next to him. "You look terrible," he says. "Thank you," I say sarcastically. "I meant that you can go to sleep," he says. "In what language do you speak?" I ask. "C'mon," he says. I put my head on his lap and I close my eyes.

Liam and I were always best friends but because of him helping me get in shape we've gotten closer. The summer is almost over and Liam, Scott and Stiles are trying to test if I am ready to join the team. "Are you ready?" Stiles asks. "I am so going to kick your butt," I say. "You wish," he says. "No need to," I say. "And go!" Liam yells and we start our game of Lacrosse. First I try to tackle them and use my strength. That was a big mistake. Liam and Scott are still werewolves so I can't just hit them with my shoulder without hurting myself. To tackle Stiles is easy. "Are you going to give up?" Liam asks. "Never," I say. I try to think of all the tactics I know. How to tackle a werewolf? Use their own strength against themselves! It actually works. "Damn, I never knew girls could tackle so painful," Scott says afterwards. "So how did I do?" I ask. "You are going to kill everyone by every game because you are so going to make the team!" Liam says. "So cute but so deadly," Stiles says.

"Alright, if you losers actually believe that you can make the team the try outs will begin," coach Finstock says. I knew this was going to be difficult but I never thought this difficult. I've watched every year of the try outs but this tips all of them. "C'mon y/n. You can make it," Liam says while we are running. After the try outs I am so tired. I take a shower and later I come back to the field. Everyone is standing in one line and Finstock is calling names for who are on the team. Of course Scott, Liam, Stiles and Kira have made it. That wasn't a surprise. Well, maybe it was for Stiles because he isn't such a good runner and Finstock doesn't really like him that much. "And last y/n," Finstock says. "You made it," Liam says. "I-I made it," I say and I jump in Liam's arms.


Teen wolf preferences, imagines and requestsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora