Liam Dunbar Imagine~Perfectness (Awkwardness III)

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Requested by: Anon

Request: Yes! Yes! Yes! I need part 3.

Can you please do a part 3 of awkwardness ? 💖

part 3 of awkwardness please please please. Cute and awkward Liam it's my favorite Liam

A/N: Awkward Liam is everyone's favourite. Even if Liam isn't your Freebie

Warnings: Nothing

Words: 2.255

Pairing: Liam x Reader

Liam's POV.

I run upstairs to Lydia and she is already standing with the clothes. "Take a shower then you put these on. When you are done I do your hair. If you mess up one thing I'll kill you," she says. "That is totally not frightening," I say. I take a shower and I start to feel really nervous for what is going to happen. I don't want to ruin her date. I dry myself and I put on my clothes. I wear black jeans with a white t-shirt and a black jacket. Lydia said that it would look classic from the black and white but also really modern and not too tuxedo-ish thanks to the jean and also the shoes but I put them on later. They are just sneakers. "Lydia!" I yell. She walks in and she puts my clothes in the right position. She thought it was just an inch too much to the right. "Don't move because you will ruin this," she says and she starts doing my hair. I don't like others messing with my hair but it is all for y/n and she is worth it. I know the day that I fell in love with her really well.

Brett is today at our school and I hate him! Tonight we have to play against Devenford Prep. I tried to act nice to him but he said he would break me in half. I know I am a werewolf but when a ridiculously tall guy says it to you, you feel threatened. I told Stiles and Scott about my I.E.D problem and Lydia brought some clothes because she had a free period. My hair is still a bit wet from the shower but that isn't such a big problem. I walk to my class and I sit down in my seat. "Good morning, class. Today we have a new student," mister Yukimura says. There walks a girl into the classroom and she is beautiful. I can't stop starring at her and at her perfectness. I lean on my arms who are leaning on my etui. She has beautiful y/e/c and y/h/l (your hair length), y/h/c. She smiles and you can see her perfect white teeth. She puts her hair behind her ear and she steps forward. She has beautiful legs with a leather skinny jeans. She has a black with red blouse. You know those with black and red blocks. It is open and under it she has a white shirt. She has black boots and her bag hangs over her shoulder. Suddenly my etui slips away under my arms and my arms fall off the table. Because I leaned on them I also fall and I fall hard. Everybody starts to look at me and mister Yukimura looks up. Some people are laughing and I see the beautiful girl chuckle. "Liam, are you alright?" mister Yukimura asks and I nod. I see the girls looking at me and my face starts to get red. I climb back on my seat again. "Well, this is y/f/n y/l/n. Have a seat," mister Yukimura says. When she walks by me she looks at me again. I get this weird feeling in my stomach and I feel my heart racing like an idiot. I panic! Maybe I will transform in the classroom! Suddenly I smell a great smell and I realise it is y/n's. It smells so great! So soft but it has something with pit. I don't know how to explain it.

"Liam! Stop daydreaming!" Lydia says. "Sorry, I am just really nervous. I don't know what to say to her," he says. "We discussed that. Just be yourself but try to be a bit less awkward," she says. "And if it goes wrong it can't be because of your looks," she says. She takes a few steps back and she scans me. I look in the mirror. Not bad. "What now?" I ask. "We are done! Everything is set up!" Scott says and he walks in. He is under the mood and he has a lot of leafs in his hair. Stiles follows and he looks terrible too. "What happened?" I ask. "Well, there were a few animal traps. We fell in a few holes and hang around in the trees but I think every animal trap is gone now," Stiles says. "And everything is perfect. It looks beautiful," Scott says. "Thank you!" I say. "Well, everything is better than your daydreams about her or your normal dreams. Hearing you talk about her. Or you sniffing her," Scott says. "How many times do I have to say that it calms me down when she makes my heart go crazy," I say. "Then it is time for you to pick your girl up," Lydia says and she pushes me downstairs. Kira pushes a basket into my hands and Lydia pushes me to my car. "Everything is in the basket," Kira says. "And I know exactly what to do," I say. "Really?" Malia asks. "I know what to do not what to say," I say. "That sounds way more logic!" I say. "Malia, you only make him more nervous. I can already smell it from a mile away," Scott says. "That isn't helping," I say. "Here the keys of the car," Lydia says and she puts the keys in my hand. "Now go and get your girl!" Scott says and I get in the car. Hearing them being so confident in me helps me to get rid of my nervousness. A bit then. I put the keys in it and I turn them around. I can hear the motor start and I get nervous again. I drive slowly to her house but fast enough to be on time. I get out of the car and I step on her porch. I walk to her door and I want to ring the doorbell but I don't dare to do it. I don't want to ruin this. But I do have to. This is maybe my only chance. I don't want to lose it. I push the button and I can hear the doorbell ring I take a step back and someone opens the door. It is y/n. She wears a red dress with a silver belt. Red heals and a black leather jacket. The one she wore the first day  that I saw her. The day I fell in love with her. She smiles to me and I put a smile on my face too. "Ready to go?" I ask and she nods. She closes the door and I walk to my car. She walks in front of me and she looks beautiful. Her eyes sparkle and her smile shines. I want to open the door but I trip and I can hold myself onto my car just before I fall. "Are you alright?" she asks and I get back up. "Yes, I-I am fine," I say. It just went well and now this! I open the door for her and she gets in the car. I walk to the other side and I climb in the car. I start it and I drive to our picnic. "You do have something with tripping and falling, don't you?" she asks. "Well, normally I don't fall that much it is just that distract me with your beauty and I wasn't supposed to say that," I say and I face palm myself. She chuckles and she gets a bit red on her cheeks. "I didn't mean to embarrass you," I say. "I know but it's cute," she says. "I thought you would think it is stupid," I say. "No, I think it is adorable. Lots of girl do," she says and I chuckle. "Do you want to tell where we are going and what we are going to do?" "I want to but I won't," I say. "Can you give a hint?" she asks. "Again, I can but I won't. It is a surprise. But I can assure you that you'll love it," I say. I stop the car and I get out. I open her door and she gets out. "You really are a gentleman," she says. I get my basket when she doesn't look and I walk to her. I put one hand over her eyes and I slip my other one in hers. I lead with the hand that is in hers. "We are almost there," I say. When we are here I take my hand away from her eyes.

Y/n's POV.

Liam has one of his hand over my eyes and his other hand in mine. He is maybe the one who has the awkward/cute actions but him giving me his hand gives me a warm feeling. He takes his hand from my eyes and it is beautiful. "Oh my gosh! I love it!" I say. It is really beautiful. I look around and I just don't know what to do or to say. He walks forward and he puts the basket down. I didn't even know that he had a basket. There is a beautiful black blanket lying on a sea of red rose petals. It is so beautiful. The sea of red rose petals is bigger than the blanket so it is coming under it. There are standing lanterns in the trees. You would say that it is really light but it is in the middle of the woods and it isn't that light today. "Are you coming?" Liam asks and I look at him. He has set everything ready. There are plates with food and cups with drinks. Liam takes my hand and he brings me to the picnic. I kneel down and so does he. "I didn't know what you liked so I have different things," he says. He has sandwiches, pancakes, fruit salad and much more. "It is amazing," I say and I look up into his beautiful blue eyes. "Y-you think?" he asks. "Yes, it is perfect. Did you do this all on your own?" I ask. "I had a bit help of my friends," he says. "But I don't really want to hear about your friends. I want you to tell me something about you," I say and I take some of the food. This is good! "Well, I love playing Lacrosse," he says. "I saw at the games and I did watch some trainings of you. You are really good," I say. "You watched my trainings?" he asks. "Well... Yes, you are not the only one who acts different when they like someone," I say. "Y-you like me?" he stutters and he accidentallly drops a cup with the drinks. I jump back and he jumps up. "I am so sorry!" he says. "It didn't came on my dress so it isn't such a big problem," I say. "But it did came on the blanket." "I think it can survive it," he says. "I didn't mean to scare you like that. It slipped out," I say. "Normally I am the one who slips out things," he chuckles. "Well, it is good to change the roles sometimes," I say. Suddenly I feel raindrops. "It isn't starting to rain, is it?" he asks. I hold my hand up and there fall a few raindrops on. "I think it is," I say. "This isn't supposed to happen," he says. "You can't control the weather," I say. He puts the food in the basket and I get the blanket. "It's a waste for the petals," I say. "Come on. Before we are getting wet," he says. "But first." He puts his jackets about my shoulders and we start to walk to the car. It is starting to rain only harder and we are walking faster. "I don't think we are getting it to the car in time," he says. "Maybe we can hide under a tree. It will clear up soon," I say. We stop walking when we are by a tree. The tree doesn't catch that much rain so we have to stand very closely to each other. But I don't mind. "I am really sorry," he says. "You can't do anything about this. Like I already said you can't control the weather," I say. "But I should've seen this coming. I ruined our date. This had to be the perfect date and now...," he rambles but I cut him off with a kiss. I put my hand on his cheek and our lips move in sync. His lips are warm and soft. I break the kiss but I rest my forehead against his. "This date is perfect for me," I say. "Didn't you have good dates with those other guys who asked you out?" he asks. "I don't have that much dates," I say. "Tons of guys have asked you out. I-I mean I heard that," he says. "Did you heard that I turned them down?" I ask. "No, I stopped listening by the previous part," he says and I chuckle. "Why did you turned them down?" "Because I had my eyes already on someone else," I say and I smile. Now he is the one who kisses me.

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