5:05 PM

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"I had a dream I was seven. Climbing my way in a tree-"


"Nobody knows. Nobody knows. Take me home. Take me home where I belong."

"What kind of shit do you listen to?"

"Aurora. And it isn't shit. You're shit."

"Tell me something I don't know."

"I'm trying to do what you said. But good news, Chance!"




"I'm feeling proud today Chance. TELL ME SOMETHING DEEP. I told you something really deep, you must do the same."

"And if I don't have anything deep and depressing to say?"

"Everyone has something to say."

"And if I don't want to say anything?"

"I'll kill you. So you too, don't have much of a choice."

"Will I be considered a dick if I don't answer you?"


"...I could live with that. Goodbye."

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