Chapter 11: Baymax's Goodbye

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Hiro Hamada


Go Go Tomago

Honey Lemon




Abigail Callaghan


As everyone prepares to leave, Baymax detects female life signs from within the portal. Realizing that it must be Abigail, they rush in to save her. However, on their way out, Baymax's armor is damaged by debris and the only way to save Hiro and Abigail is to send them through with his rocket fist.

"There's still a way I can get you both to safety." Baymax put his hand on the beard and of the ship of Abigail.

"I cannot be deactivate when you're not satisfied with your care."

"Woah woah woah wait, what about you?!"

"You are my patient."


"Your health is only I care for."

"S-Stop! There's got to be a way out of here! I'll think of something!"

"There is no time. Are you satisfied with your care?"

"Please! No! I can't loose you too!"

"Hiro, I will always be with you." Hiro look at Baymax and hugs him. When he let go of the hug, he smiles.

"I'm satisfied with my care."

Hiro refuses to leave Baymax behind, but Baymax convinces him that it is the only option. Baymax asks Hiro if he is satisfied with his care, to which Hiro sadly says yes and Baymax deactivates. Hiro and Abigail make it back through the portal and Callaghan is arrested.

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