15. loved

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[PART 1]

If our lives were a game of monopoly, no matter how many times you restart it, the outcome should be the same.

- Mu Cheng, Autumn's Concerto, 2009.

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It all ended again, just like it had begun.

They say every ending is a new beginning. And every beginning is just the means to an end. So what difference does any of this make? The only ending I should be worried about is that of my suffering. Because all through life, whenever I found myself ending one pain, saying tough goodbyes, another one stood right there — waiting for me in the guise of a new beginning.

It all ended again, just like the last time.

And I found myself back here, right where my story had started. Sitting on this damned beach, tracking the movement of the waves and waiting for the pain to end again though it never did. Glaring at the sun that didn't seem to want to set anytime soon, I angrily threw a stone into the sea. Again.

This is not what I had asked for. None of this was fair. What was the point of going back in time when the ending was supposed to stay the same? Only worse, this time around.

The sun that I thought was my pillar of support in the dark times had turned out to be my worst enemy, stabbing me in the back, mocking me for my loss and pain. Because like a cruel twist of fate, I had to live through it all over again. With even more to lose this time. Because I hadn't just lost my best friend. This time, I lost the love of my life as well. The girl who loved me back, who chose me, who wanted to stay with me forever. I lost it all within a span of seconds.

The girl who told me she loved me just before she fell into the clutches of death while her supposed lifesaver simply stood there, affixed, and helplessly watched the aftermath. I lost my daylight and found myself blindfolded again, wishing for the pain to leave me just like Lyra did. Again.

Was all of this just a cruel joke life was playing on me?

A few hours ago, I had dared to hope, dared to believe that maybe, just maybe what happened before could have been a bad dream. A nightmare I woke up from when I ended up back in March again. And when Lyra started smiling like she always deserved to, for real, I began thinking that this was my reality now — sweet, simple and lovely.

Because my moments with Lyra ended up bandaging all the pains of the past. My wounds were almost healing but who knew this salt air would open them up and make them bleed again?

Headspace (Book 1) ✓Where stories live. Discover now