Chapter 8: The First But Not The Last

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Claire woke up to the smell of food cooking

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Claire woke up to the smell of food cooking. She put on one of Matthew's shirt and went down stairs. Matthew was cooking big breakfast. The table was set with red roses in the center. There was mixed fruit on the table, apple and orange juice, cinnamon rolls, waffles, and Matthew was making eggs. Claire was surprised, she didn't know he could cook. It some what reminded her of the morning with Jason when he tried cooking for her. Matthew kissed her, his lips tasted like strawberries. He asked her how she slept. She told him great. Then her phone received a text. It was Jason. Checking on her. She started to text him back and Matthew grabbed her from behind. He kissed her neck and hugged her. She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Boyfriend," he asked her looking at her phone. " No, if I had a boyfriend I wouldn't be here with you, what kind of girl do you think I am, " she said rolling her eyes walking away from him. He quickly grabbed her by the arm and snatched her phone! "HEY... what are you doing," said Claire angrily trying to get his tight grip off her arm!?

He smacked her and she spun and hit the floor. Claire screamed and tried crawling away, but picked her up and took her to the bedroom! Clear screamed kicking and hitting him in the face! He threw her in the bed and held her down! He told her this was his time and she didn't need to be texting another man, it was rude. "Fuck you, you hit me," she said as her eyes angrily filled with tears. He told her he was sorry and took her hand and pulled her down stairs back into the kitchen. They sat down silently and Matthew began to eat.

Claire sat there starring at her plate, a tear fell from her face and she brushed away another tear. She made her plate and started slowly eating.

"I love you Claire and I want to start over," he said smiling eating some eggs

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"I love you Claire and I want to start over," he said smiling eating some eggs. She looked up at him and knoded in acceptance. He kissed her forehead and they continued to eat. She knew she had to play it smart. She didn't want to make him mad again. She was scared and wanted to go home. She wanted to start crying again but she held in her tears and got through it. After they ate he had his driver take her home and before she left he made her promise not to tell anyone what had happen. She promise and he said he would call her later.

She silently rode home with a blank look on her face and had a lot on her mind. She looked at her phone to see Jason had texted her again. She read the text and he said he was coming by to see her. She got to her house and walked in and her phone rang. It was Matthew she didn't answer it. She sat on her couch thinking how Matthew could hit her like that. Then the door bell rang. It was Jason. He gave her hug and came in. He could tell something as wrong. He asked her did she want to talk about it, but she said no. He told her he was there for her and ready to listen when she felt comfortable. They watched TV for a while. Claire wasnt acting like herself. Jason wanted to cheer her up. He leaned in and went to kiss her but she moved away. "What's going on," he asked her getting concerned now.

Claire started crying and put her head on his shoulder.

He held her and she cried for a while

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He held her and she cried for a while. Then she looked at him and brushed away her tears. She still wasn't ready to tell him what happen, but she got herself together and cheered up a little. Then there was a knock at the door! She hoped it wasn't who she thought it was! She answered the door and it was him! He smiled and let himself in!

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