I'm Beginning To Sound Like a Hufflepuff.

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Draco's POV

I sat at the table at breakfast, looking down at my toast like it was a piece of raw, bloody meat. My head was pounding and I felt horrid, but I didn't want to use that hangover potion that I had always used before. It may sound completely mental but I didn't want to get rid of my hangover. I wanted that reminder of last night.

Sure we hadn't done anything, actually we only drank for fifteen minutes tops, and then I pretended to fall asleep. Truthfully, I had just wanted to watch her sleep. She looked so beautiful, with her head laid in my lap. I stroked her silky brown hair and watched as she breathed in and out. I couldn't help but fall even more in love with her as I watched.

I had never intended to fall in love with a Gryffindor. I hadn't intended in falling in love with anyone. But, as soon as I saw her walk into the minister's box at the World Quidditch Cup, I couldn't help it.

She was just too beautiful. The way her cheekbones were so perfect, it looked as if they were carved by a sculptor. The way her lips matched perfectly with my own, like they were made for each other. The way her eyes showed me her soul when I looked into them.

On top of that, she is such a good person. I know for a fact, that she would willingly give her own life for one of her friends or me. She cares so much for others, and I hope that won't one day, be her downfall. I feel so bad for dragging her in so deep with a guy like me. I've never been a good guy. She believes in me though, she thinks I am a good guy. Probably the only person in the world who thinks that.

I listened as Crabbe and Goyle talked incessantly about torturing first years. I was not interested in anything Crabbe and Goyle had to say lately. They had been grating on my nerves.

I looked across the Great Hall and was immediately mesmerized. There she was, sitting with Weasley and Granger, laughing at something. She had obviously taken the hangover potion, because she would have had an even worse hangover than me. Her laughter filled my ears, sounding musical.

I snapped out of my fixation and got up to leave. I was beginning to sound like a damn Hufflepuff, and I didn't want to act like this in front of Crabbe and Goyle who had already started noticing a difference in me. I hadn't expected them to catch on at all because they are such idiots, so this is unbelievably fast for them. I had been avoiding them lately and sitting by myself in the common room. Just sitting.

So that is what I decided to do today. I sat down in my usual spot, a leather armchair, and stared off into space. Out of the corner of my eye I saw someone watching me. The same person who watched me every day. I rolled my eyes and sighed. She was so creepy, why couldn't she just leave me alone?

"Hey Draco!" Pansy said, standing up from her chair and coming towards me.

"What do you want?" I said, trying to give her the hint that I didn't want to talk to her. Pansy never got hints.

"What are you doing? Why do you keep sitting here and well...just sitting?" She said, attempting to sit on my lap, which I immediately pushed her out of.

"None of your business. Why are you watching me anyway? Can you seriously just go get a life and leave me alone? I don't like you Pansy. I never have," I said calmly, trying to finally get my point across.

"Hmph," She huffed, pouting her lips and stomped off to her dorm.

"Finally," I sighed and fell into my usual daydream.


Allie's POV

"Ouch. My head hurts so badly!" I yelped when I got up that morning. My head was pounding and I felt like I was about to be sick at any moment.

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