Your Eyes Are Like Space Crystals

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She took his hand and watched as silver beams of pure magic wrapped around their arms. It felt like electricity on their skin but it only made the experience all the more exciting and special. They were ready for this. They'd known they had wanted to do something of this nature for years now.

Too bad it wasn't their choice; the only sour part of this glorious day. Actually, that's a lie. The group of people to their right wasn't desirable company by any means. They tried not to let this put a damper on their day though, but that was a difficult thing to do.

Both of their lives had been flipped upside down and the only hope they had was each other. Even this wasn't enough sometimes with all the things they were made to witness.

The seriousness of the ceremony that they were partaking in crashed down on the both of them like a heavy wave. There was no going back now.

This was the point of no return, the icing on top of a hideous summer. How did her life get so messed up? She knew the answer to this question and he was standing in the corner of the quiet room.

If she didn't know better she would have shot daggers at him from the fury that was building in her chest. He had full control over her life and he was doing the most unexpected things.

Who would have ever thought he would have instructed that this happen? Or what would happen later...... She sure wouldn't have. Neither would he.

But this was the only way she could be trusted apparently. These two steps took away all the control she had over her own life; they knew it would. Judging by her personality, they knew this would extinguish any fire she had left inside of her.

Too bad they were wrong.

It was the first D.A. meeting that I had attended after Dean and I broke up. I was now partnered with Ginny just because it didn't seem that appropriate to be partnered with him anymore. Seamus had been dying to partner with him ever since he joined the D.A. a few meetings before, so it wasn't an issue.

Everyone was having a great time practicing stunning spells and jinxes. I had just succesfully stunned Ginny and died laughing while she said a string of profanities. Out of nowhere, a loud popping sound filling the room and everyone looked to find Dobby standing in the center of the room.

"Hi, Dobby!' Harry said. 'What are you - What's wrong?"

Dobby's eyes were wide and filled with terror and he was visibly shaking. "Harry Potter, sir . . ." said Dobby with a squeak, "Harry Potter, sir . . . Dobby has come to warn you . . . but the house-elves have been warned not to tell . . ."

Dobby tried to run his head into the wall for his self-punishment but he bounced off due to the dozens of hats on his head. "What's happened, Dobby?"

"Harry Potter . . . she . . . she . . ." Dobby stuttered. He punched himself hard in the face and Harry grabbed his arm.

"Who's "she", Dobby?" Harry asked. "Umbridge?" Dobby nodded.

"What about her? Dobby - she hasn't found out about this - 'about us - about the DA?" the elfs face had the answer we were all waiting for.

"Is she coming?" Harry asked.

"Yes, Harry Potter, Yes!" Dobby cried and thrashed around.

We all stared at him motionless for a few moments before realizing that we needed to leave. Ginny grabbed my arm and fiercly yelled at people and pushed them out of the way so we ended up getting out of the door first. We sprinted straight to the common room without stopping or looking back.

 We fell down onto the couch in exhaustion from sprinting all that way and watched as more and more people showed up breathless. We waited and waited for Harry to show up but he didn't. "Where do you think he is?" I asked Ginny.

"I have no idea. Maybe they caught him or something."

"You think? I hope Draco didn't have anything to do with this," I said, crossing my arms over my chest. Ginny didn't reply to this, probably because she knew that he did.

I should have known but that didn't stop me being shocked whenever Harry came back later that night to tell us what had happened. Apparently, Draco had gotten a hold of Harry in the hall and brought him to Dumbledore's office were Umbridge was. Marrietta, Cho's friend, had told Umbridge about the D.A. but when she did this, her face broke out in pimples that spelled the word 'sneak' on her face.

Fudge had been there and he announced that he was going to put Dumbledore in Askaban. Dumbledore preceeded to stun everyone in the room besides Harry and McGonnagal and disappeared in a burst of flames after taking hold of his phoenix.

I honestly couldn't believe that Draco would pull something like this. He said that he wouldn't and I assumed that that would still stand even though we were broken up. But I guess I was wrong about him. I couldn't control what he did.

I knew it wasn't all him though, he wasn't the only person in the group. But still, it hurt. I thought that since Dean and I had broken up that he would try and get back with me but he hasn't so much as looked at me since the fight. I didn't understand.

 I was pretty broken up about the whole thing. I was scared about what would happen to the school now that Dumbledore was gone and I was also furious that Draco participated in this haneous act.

By the way things were going, I was beginning to think that we would never get back together. Even though I had broke it off with him, I always believed that we would get back together eventually. Maybe even this year or at least by the summer. I never believed that our breakups were permanent.

Though our future was supposed to be shit, I really wanted a future with him. I believed in it; I hoped for it. If that wasn't supposed to happen for me then I didn't know what to think. Where would I end up? 

My thought process was interrupted by a one George Weasley. "Hey George," I said half-heartedly. 

"Hello, Miss Jones," he smiled charmingly, "A little bird told me that you and Dean broke up."

"Yep. Like, a few days ago actually." He sat down on the couch next to me. Everyone else had broken up into individual conversations and I had been left in deep thought, so no one was paying attention.

"You know what?"


"Your eyes.....are like space crystals," George said while gazing into my eyes. His face looked serious. I wondered how he said it with a straight face.

".....Did you seriously just say that?" I snorted before doubling over in laughter. "Is that suppose to make me swoon?"

"Yeah, that's what I was hoping."

"Are you seriously using pickup lines on me days after I get out of a relationship? You know that's tacky, right?" I said, playfully narrowing my eyes at him. I knew he wasn't actually serious, we were past that 'fling' (if you could even call it that) by now.

"Really? I didn't know the protocol. I thought two days was the minimum."

"I don't know who has been telling you these things. Fred? That would make sense." 

"Yeah, I think he's out to sabatoge me. Git..."

"You know what, George?"

"Yes, love?"

"Your eyes......are like space crystals," I said before ruffling his hair like a child and getting up to climb the stairs to my dorm. At least I had a good laugh before bed.

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