I Don't Want To, I Need To.

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So, now that Umbridge was the DADA teacher, I was becoming dumber than ever. Everyone was. I couldn't see any way to manage an A in my O.W.L.S. like this. Not only that, but Harry had gotten more detentions that I thought possible in such a short amount of time, and in turn missed a great deal of Quidditch practices. I wasn't that into Quidditch but I wanted us to win and crush Slytherin to pieces. The point is, Umbridge was an idiot.

A few days ago though, I had been told of a little meeting happening in Hogsmeade on this very day. Hermione had informed us that Harry would be teaching us, if we wanted. Obviously Dean and I had agreed. It seemed like a good way to get back on really good terms with the crew, since I hadn't spoken with them much lately. Emmy and Ginny had also agreed to come to the meeting.

It was cold as hell outside, the wind slapped me right in the face as I walked to Hogsmeade. Dean wrapped his arm around me in attempt to stop the chattering of my teeth but it wasn't working. If it was Draco's arm it would have warmed me right up.... I shook myself mentally and walked on, continuing to make deep footprints in the new coat of snow.

The meeting was in the Hog's Head. When we arrived and walked in, I immediately understood why students didn't ever come in here. It was a really dodgy place. The glasses where dirty and the pub's occupants weren't showing their faces. I sidled over to where the crew was sitting and grabbed my own seat as Fred ordered everyone butterbeers. I reached in my pocket to get some money before Dean stopped me and payed for my drink.

I sat next to Dean (obviously), and on my other side were Emmy and Ginny. Ginny was next to her boy toy Michael Corner and his friends. Neville, Lavender, Parvati, Padma, Cho and her friend, Luna, Katie, Alicia, Angelina, Colin, Dennis, Ernie, Justin, Hannah, Terry, Fred, George, and Lee were all in attendance, along with a few other kids whose names I didn't know.

Dean put his arm around my shoulders and I squeezed up next to him, trying to soak up his warmth. It was rather funny to watch Emmy and Fred be in the same room and not talk to each other. I was sure I was the only one who noticed all the stolen glances and blushing, but it was completely obvious in my eyes.

"Er. Well --- er --- hi," Hermione said, her voice raising a bit higher than usual. Everyone in the room had their eyes on her now.

"Well....erm....well, you know why you're here. Erm...well, Harry here had the idea --- I mean, I had the idea ---- that it might be good if people who wanted to study Defense Against the Dark Arts --- and I mean, really study it, you know, not the rubbish that Umbridge is doing with us because nobody could call that Defense Against the Dark Arts" ----- "True that!" I yelled, and Hermione looks pleased ---- "well, I thought it would be good if we, well, took matters into our own hands."

"And by that I mean learning how to defend ourselves properly, not just theory but the real spells."

"You want to pass your Defense Against the Dark Arts O.W.L. too thought, I bet?" said Michael Corner.

"Of course I do," Hermione said immediately. "But I want more than that, I want to be properly trained in Defense because...because....because Lord Voldemort's back."

There were many collective gasps and sharp intakes a breath, even a few shudders. I wasn't too phased by it though, I didn't like the idea of being afraid of a name. I was afraid of what he could do, not what his name could do.

Soon there was a huge conflict caused by Zacharias Smith, what an idiot. He jumped right up to say how he didn't believe Dumbledore, he wanted Harry to explain the night Cedric got killed further. That was seriously a mistake because everyone jumped all over him after that. Fred and George actually threatened him with sticking a odd looking instrument inside of him, where, they didn't care.

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