A Block Of Ice And A Tiny Hammer?

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"What's wrong? You seem...sad," Dean said to me while we were sitting by the window in the common room.

 I had been crying earlier and I was sad. Something had happened earlier that day that really got me. Dean's reminder of my sadness caused tears to start spilling over again. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I had to tell him.

 "Well, actually I am pretty sad, and I really want to tell you what's wrong with me. Do you mind?" I asked, smiling weakly at him.

 "Of course I don't mind. Tell me everything," he said, turning to me and giving me an sympathetic look.

 "Okay, well, I dated someone last year. All last year. And I really loved him. We broke up this summer, and he broke my heart," my voice broke on the last sentence. "And I've been feeling really guilty lately, because I've been thinking about him a lot. I can't stop no matter how hard I try. I know, it's so unfair to you, and I'm really sorry I didn't tell you this before. I hope you don't hate me for it." 

"Do you still love him?" Dean said quietly, looking down at his lap.

"I don't know." I said, lying right to his face. Of course I was still in love with Draco. "But, I'm trying to move on."

"That's okay. I understand that it's hard to get over someone. That doesn't make me like you any less. I'm okay with stepping up and mending what the last guy did. Only an idiot would break your heart. I'm fine with putting the pieces back together," he said, kissing me on my head.

Look at me. I'm a crumbling fool, breaking down right before his eyes and it didn't even faze him. He was too good for me. I didn't understand how he could be okay with being with someone who was so emotionally damaged.

"Can you tell me who the guy was so I can go kick his ass?"

"Unfortunately I can't. I would but, it's sort of a secret."

"That's fine. I'm glad you told me the truth though," he smiled down at me.

I sighed happily and laid my head on his shoulder. It felt good to get all of that out to Dean, who deserved to know the most. Still, it didn't change the fact that I was still in love with somebody else. I guess if Dean didn't have a problem with it, then it wasn't as bad.

Earlier that day

I was sitting in the common room when a little first year boy stumbled through the portrait looking flustered and carrying a large tan package.

"Who do you suppose that package is for?" Emmy asked. I was currently sitting on the floor in front of the fireplace with Ginny and Emmy, while Emmy and I discussed the answers we picked on our latest Transfigurations test.

The boy walked timidly up to me and asked, "Are you Allie Jones?" his voice was shaking from nervousness. I nodded at him politely, trying not to scare him too badly as he already looked pretty scared. "Somebody outside asked me to bring this in for you."

I took the package from the boy's hands, which were shaking violently, and he ran off towards a group of other first years. The package in my hand was heavy and cold. I had absolutely no idea what it could be but I wanted to find out.

"Let's go up to my room so I can open this," I said to Emmy and Ginny. We got up and climbed the stairs up to my dorm.

"What do you think it is?" Ginny said, giddy with excitement.

"No idea, but it's really heavy and freezing cold."

We arrived in my room and sat down on my bed. We were alone, as Hermione was down in the common room with Harry and Ron, as usual. Unfortunately, I hadn't had a proper conversation with any of them in awhile. They seemed to be focused on other things, and I didn't know what those things were.

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