Fight. Fight. Fight.

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"Have you heard?" Ginny exclaimed as she ran up to me in the common room.

"Depends on what you're talking about," I said. I looked up at her hazel eyes that were filled with hesitation. She didn't want to be the one to tell me. "What is it?" I asked with more urgency.

She looked around, not meeting my eyes. "Well, Umbridge got another Educational Decree passed. She's creating a group of students to do her dirty work called the Inquisitorial Squad."

"And? Just tell me whatever you're trying to," I said anxiously.

"All of the members are Slytherins....and Draco is one of them," she said quietly so no one would hear the reason why I was about to stalk out of the common room with a bloodthirsty look in my eyes.

I reckon that he knew exactly what the Inquisitorial Squad is for. And I'm almost a hundred percent positive that he knows I'm involved with the group that Umbridge is trying to disband. So, the question is, why would he join in the first place?

We had just got into a good place again and he is ruining it! I knew that he had to be patrolling some corridor since he's a prefect and this is his usual patrolling time. I searched about twenty different corridors before I found him.

When I saw him, he smiled widely at me. I walked up to him with my arms crossed over my chest and an icy glare on my face. "What's wrong?" he asked me innocently. A real actor.

"You know exactly what's wrong. I can't believe you would do this again," I said, looking at the wall on my right. I didn't want to look him in the eyes because I was afraid that my resolve would disintegrate.

"What are you talking about? I haven't done anything," he insisted.

"Oh, really? Then what's that?" I accused, pointing to the new badge on his robe. Next to his prefect badge was a shiny new Inquisitorial Squad badge.

"Listen. My father asked me to join. He wants me to get on Umbridge's good side for him. If it was up to me, I wouldn't have any of it," he said, taking my face in his hands and forcing me to look in his eyes.

"It is up to you. You have a mind of your own! You're not his puppet. I think you know well enough that I'm apart of the group that Umbridge is out for," I said as I pulled free of his hold.

"You don't understand. I have to do what he says. Maybe this way I can keep them away from Potter's group. I'll give them false leads or something."

"You're right, I don't understand. I don't understand how someone can be so spineless. You're not the brave and strong person that I thought you were."

"Allie....?" was all he could say before I turned around and stalked off. Before I turned the corner I turned back and saw a bit of hope in his eyes.

"Don't expect me to crawl back again. This is the last time that I'm gonna let you walk all over me," I said coldly.

That's when I turned the corner and definately didn't look back. We were done, for good this time. The old me wouldn't have let this happen. Too bad I left her back in Texas.

It had been a week since the Draco incident and I was feeling pretty low about it. Ginny and Emmy had attempted to make me feel better but I was trying to come to terms with my situation on my own. It wasn't easy, especially when things like what happened today occur. All hell broke loose.

It was right after lunch and I was walking along a long corridor and thinking, not terribly different from a regular day. I had temporarily closed my eyes for an unknown reason but continued to walk. Suddenly there was a strong grip on my arm and I was swiftly being pulled through a door.

I opened my eyes to find myself in an extremely small broom closet, with Draco Malfoy. "Honestly, Draco? What do you want from me?" I said exasperately.

"I just want you to hear me out. I'm sorry. I didn't want to join the Squad. We haven't done anything against Potter's group and we're not going to if I have any say in it."

"Draco, I don't want to hear it. We are done. Do you understand those words?" I asked him with all seriousness.

"I understand them, but I don't accept them. You're stubborn but I know you'll give in eventually," he said with a smirk on his face.

"You wanna bet?"

"Yeah, I do," he said before crashing his lips onto my mouth. I had the fight the urge to kiss him back with everything I had.

"Just....get out of my life," I spat before I forced open the door. I didn't hear any footsteps following me, only the sound of my own retreating steps.

I wandered around the castle in a furious haze for an hour. I was so angry and annoyed at the world. I didn't know how this day could get any worse. That's when I felt a familiar tug on the same arm that had been assualted earlier.

"Emmy, what the hell?" I gasped.

"I know what you're about to do," she said with an estatic expression on her face. "You are a legend. I love you for this." She pulled me into a suffocating hug which I pulled out of immediately.

"I really hate when you talk all psychic to me. And I really wish people would stop pulling me into random closets without warning!" I snapped at her. "I'm already annoyed as it is.

I got out of that closet and ran down the corridor with more desire to get away from everybody than ever. That was when I ran into the last person that I ever wanted to see....well, besides Voldemort....maybe.

"What are you doing here you cow? Running away from the authorties, eh? Did they finally catch you being a total slag?" Pansy laughed with her little pug face friends.

I breathed in and out slowly so I wouldn't do anything stupid. That was before she said, "Hello? Come on you little bitch, answer me. I'm the authority now."

I drew my fist back and punched her so hard in the nose that I heard a crack. I knew that I would get into trouble for it but I didn't care. I stalked off without looking back at her.

I was so beyond annoyed. I needed fresh air. I was going to walk out to the black lake where I could be alone. I walked out onto the grass of the lawn to see a crowd of people. I faintly heard them yelling something so I decided to get closer.

They were yelling, "Fight. Fight. Fight."

I rolled my eyes at the immaturity of my classmates but decided to push through the crowd to see who was fighting. After my own little battle of getting through the masses of people, I laid my eyes on the two guys entangled in a muggle fight.

It was Dean and Draco.

Casualty Of Love {Harry Potter FF}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon