I'm Probably Right?

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"Are you alright?" Dean asked me as I sat in a chair in front of the fireplace in the common room. I had been staring off into space, mentally counting down the seconds before I could sneak off and go find Draco.

"Oh, yeah. I'm completely fine. I'm just tired, that's all," I smiled up at him. I had become exceptional at decieving Dean and my friends, but that wasn't something I was awfully proud of.

One person I couldn't decieve was Emmy, she had another vision about Draco and I but for some reason, since the holidays, she had eased up one me. I had no idea why. She also promised to keep it a secret from Ginny too, who no doubt would be kicking my ass if she knew about it.

I didn't speak to Dean again for the rest of the night. He went to bed a few minutes before I clambered out of the portrait hole. I wandered by myself to the unoccupied classroom that we used to meet at and slowly creaked open the familiar door.

I walked into the darkness of the classroom and looked around helplessly while waiting for my eyes to adjust. "Draco?" I whispered, walking around with my hands out in front of me like a zombie.

I touched some fabric and as I grabbed hold of it, I realized it was a shirt. I moved my hands upwards and found the skin of a neck and then of a face. "Why didn't you tell me you were in here?" I giggled.

"It was entertaining to watch you feel your way around the room," he said with a breathy laugh. My eyes finally adjusted and the first thing I saw was his eyes. Grey like a stormy night, but warm like a summer's day.

I smiled and leaned in for the kiss that I had been longing for all day long. It felt so right to be in his arms again. I breathed in every essence of him, the clean smell of his skin, the minty taste of his mouth; it was heaven.

"We've only been back at school for a week but it's been one of the best weeks of this year. I've missed meeting like this. Although, I still wish we didn't have to act like strangers in public," he sighed as we slid against the wall with our backs onto the floor. We were both staring into the blackness of the room, contemplating what our lives would be like if we were a public couple.

"All in due time. Maybe next year, or at least our last year," I said hopefully.

"If we even have a last year. Things are getting pretty bad, Allie. You-Know-Who is gaining more and more power, and I'm starting to worry," he said quietly, not meeting my eyes when I looked at him.

"It's going to be fine. It has to. And if he does come into power again, then we'll just have to change that, now won't we?" I said, wrapping my arms around his torso and resting my head on his chest. He kissed my head gently.

"But how? I can't just fight on a side opposite my parents."

"Then you'll have to do an inside job. I can help, I'll be your wife and I can get one of those temporary dark mark tattoos," I laughed.

"I guess we might actually have to do that....Actually if You-Know-Who came back to power then I'd probably have to tie you up and put you in a cave until the war is over."

I gapsed. "You wouldn't do any such thing. I'd have just as much of a right to fight as anybody else."

"Yeah, I know. That's why I'd have to lock you in cave. You're too eager, and I wouldn't let anyone touch a hair on your pretty little head."

"Well, that's comforting and all but it would never happen."

"You're probably right."

"I'm probably right?" I joked.

"You're right! Like always!" he surrendered.

"That's what I thought," I said, leaning up to kiss him.

I took his hand and flipped it so his was facing up and mine was facing down. I sat there for the rest of the night memorizing every crevice and line in his pale white hands.

"Make it a powerful memory, the happiest you can remember. Allow it to fill you up... Just remember, your Patronus can only protect you as long as you stay focused... Think of the happiest thing you can."

We were in our first D.A. meeting of the new year and we were learning the Patronus charm. Before I could even begin to think of a happy memory, I got caught up in watching everyone else trying. Some people were producing non-corporeal Patronus's and some were producing a full on charm.

Out of Ginny's wand came a horse that proceeded to gallop around the room. It was beautiful. Out of Ron's wand came a Jack Russell terrier. Hermione's was a otter and Luna's was a hare. One of the most peculiar in the room was Emmy's. Out of her wand came an iguana, an iguana.

If it was me I would have said 'Oh my gosh, what the hell is this?', but no, out of Emmy's mouth comes, "That is wicked. I'll call it Iggy!" No wonder she's with Fred Weasley. I looked to Fred and his face had dropped in utter amazement and appreciation.

I rolled my eyes at them and watched as Dean produced a non-corporeal Patronus several times before giving up in frustration. "Maybe you're not thinking a happy enough thought," I told him.

"Why haven't you tried yet?" he asked me.

"I don't know. I just got caught up in watching everyone else. I'll try now I guess."

I took out my wand and closed my eyes. Now it was just a matter of picking the right memory. I searched through the little box of memories in my head until I found the perfect one. It was the memory from a week ago, when I was reunited with Draco. It was the best because it hadn't been ruined by anyone, nobody walked in, nobody dragged me away, and it was my choice.

"Expecto Patronum," I spoke, the happiness of my memory was seeping through my voice and a smile was planted on my face.

I opened my eyes to see a silvery light beginning to come out of the tip of my wand, and to my great surprise something flew out of it. It was the most sensational bird that I'd ever laid my eyes on. It's wing span was magnificent as it soared over everyone.

Every person it that room stopped and walked my eagle gracefully fly around the room. I looked and Emmy and she was smirking at me, so was Ginny.

Draco had an eagle.... It was the only eagle I'd ever seen.

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