Awkward Dinner

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Bella's P.O.V.

I stood in front of the mirror glancing at the little white dress which I now wore for the dinner, Tyler comes up behind me and gently wraps his arms around my waist. "You look beautiful." I smile and glance at him.

"You don't look to bad yourself." Ugh so corny, I then sniff the air and sigh. "They're here." He nods sadly and takes my hand.

"Lets go." He says and leads me towards the top of the stairs, I take a deep breath and Tyler makes sure I'm ready before we descend. I spot a maid had opened the door to Sam, his dad George and his beta Jake. They all spot us and I hear Sam growl at our entwined fingers, I smile ever so slightly then go up to them all shaking their hands. But each one of then pulls me into a hug, I feel the anger radiating from Tyler so i quickly go up to him and take his hand rubbing my thumb on his hand. He instantly relaxes and that makes me happy and relaxed to.

"If you'll follow us." I say and Tyler starts to walk towards the dining room, which i hadn't been in. But I was to nervous to even bother looking around, Tyler heads to the top of the table and gently pulls out the seat to his right. I smile and slide in gracefully, Tyler sits at the head and then George comes and sits at his left. Sam takes the seat next to me and Jake sits next to George, Tyler lets out a sigh and I quickly take it hand over the table making him smile at me.

"Lets eat." He says and motions to the food, I reach over and grab a bread roll offering it to everyone. I grab the butter and start to butter the inside of the roll, everyone seemed rather nervous apart from Sam who looked agitated, I sigh and place my roll down looking at Sam.

"Okay what's up?" I ask annoyed.

"Really, what's up?!" I sigh and Tyler gently squeezes my hand.

"Yes." I say before turning to Tyler. "Maybe while we eat we should find out why I'm your mate." I say to Tyler, he grins and nods.

"Okay my Bella." I smile and he starts to explain. "There's a second prophecy to Bella's life, and basically it is about how there's one true mate and one confused male. Then she must choose and if we start a war she will die, and she needs to blow some sort of horn to speak to her mother." I gently run a finger along the necklace but nobody but Tyler notices the action. "I believe you are the confused male Sam, because you have had a traumatic past so your dad here asked for a witch you banish the memories into the back of your head. But little did your dad know that she'd do it to everyone in your pack and take his mate's life for it. She then placed a curse on you cursing you to be confused and think you were Bella's mate." I groan and hold my head.

"This is all confusing." I mutter and eat some more of my roll.

"I don't believe you." Sam says quietly, Tyler raises an eyebrow and looks at him.

"What?" Sam growls and looks at Tyler with black eyes.

"I said, I don't believe you!" I look at them back and forth and a lump forms in my throat, she ask Sam is about to attack I grab him and throw him out the window. I growl and quickly change into my wolf, my dress and underwear now shredded, I jump out the window and glance's to quiet. I hear a growl before Sam's on top of me, I growl and know he can over power me easily. Tyler comes out and tackles Sam, but Sam throws him into a tree and Tyler cries out in pain. He forms back and I growl when I see the bruises and broken bones, Sam was about to charge but I dart forward into the woods.

I can hide in the shadows, I change back and climb up a tree. I start to jump from one to the other back the way I came, I make sure Sam isn't there hiding in the shadows to pounce. I jump down and walk over to Tyler, he was knocked out. I check over his ignoring his lower half of his body, he groans and his eyes flicker open slightly. He smiles slightly and raises a hand to caress my cheek, he looks behind me and his eyes widen. Just as he opens his mouth to say something I feel something hit my head, my vision starts to turn black. Tyler keeps saying my name but it's to late, my vision completely leaves me and I blackout.


The next chapter will be quite cool, sorry this one is kinda well.....shait! :) Love you lovehearts! <3 :D Katie :D  

It's also short, sorry :(

Madness sequel to Mental (Old, Badly Written!)Where stories live. Discover now