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Bella's P.O.V.

As I slowly come round from my blackout my eyes refuse to open, I keep trying and trying until my eyes slowly peel open. It was like when I was in Tyler's room, but it was dark here and I felt caged in. I glance all around and try to move my hands but as I look I see they are bound above me, I then notice my feet are bound too. I lean my head back and thoughts swim in front of my mind. Is Tyler okay? Where am I? Who did this? Where's Sam? "I'm right here." I let out a startled yelp and then see Sam hidden away sat in the right corner on an old fashioned stool.

"Sam you scared the hell out of me!" I say letting out a small laugh, he walks closer to me and I see his eyes had changed to black. "Sam? You okay?" I ask.

"Peachy, now then.......who do you choose?" I raise an eyebrow. "Between me and that Tyler mutt." I let out a sigh and look around the room, it was the basement and it was freezing down here! "Answer me!" Sam yells.

"I don't know okay?!" I yell back, I let out a shiver and he notices. His eyes fade back to their normal colour, until they blacken again. "Apparently you're not my true mate, what happened to you mate Sam?" I ask curiously, he comes and sits next to me.

"My true mate was taken, but you're back." I shake my head and look at the bounds.

"Can you unbound me, I feel like my skins gone raw." I say softly, he shakes his head and I sigh. "Can I at least have a blanket?" He sighs and goes to fetch one, I look around for escape but find none other than the door he just walked out of.

"Here." He says and places it over me.

"Thanks." I look around again. "Sam explain something to me...why am I in a basement and bound?" He grins a sickening grin and run a hand all the way down my body settling it on my thigh.

"The bounds are so you can't escape, and you're in the basement because it's sound proof." He leans close to my ear. "So no one can hear your pleasure filled screams." I feel a bit of sick rise in my throat and I push it down.

"So you plan on raping me?" I ask.

"Only if you don't co-operate." I sigh and look at him.

"What happened to you Sam, I loved you but now you're almost....someone else." I say and look into his eyes.

"Oh I'm not Sam, I'm Jack. Sam is currently being over run, you see Bella our true mate died...but your attitude is just like hers and we find your beauty...irresistible." I shiver in disgust.

"Don't you get it Sam, I choose Tyler. If you wanted a son, you should have tried harder to get me into bed with you." I say darkly, he pushes his hand around my throat and growls.

"Don't test me Bella, I would happily take you now...the more you resist the faster it will come." He says before moving his hand the my breast and squeezing it. "And that's a nice warning whore." He says before getting up and leaving me in the darkness of the basement....well lets call it the cell because I am a prisoner.


Sometime later Sam returns with a bowl of food, I watch as he sits next to me and scoops some soup onto a spoon and blows on it before placing it near my lips. I reluctantly open my mouth and eat the soup, mmmh it tasted quite good. "Sam I'm sure you won't want me asking this but I need to know, is Tyler okay?" I ask, Sam sighs and places another spoon full in my mouth.

"He's fine, he's worried sick about you....I should of killed him." He mutters darkly.

"Sam I would have died to." I say honestly trying to remind him.

"That's why I didn't but when we are fully mated I will kill him, just for you and our child so we can live in peace." He says with reassurance.

"Jack....can I talk to Sam?" I ask.

"You're talking to both of us, just ask." He says.

"Okay, was your true mate pregnant before she died?" I ask, he looks at the floor sadly.

"She had a month left, there was a rouge attack. I was meant to protect her...but I was to late, they'd already killed her and ripped our beautiful baby out her stomach." I feel a tear streak down my cheek.

"Sam, do you think it's possible for you to see your mate again...remember the horn which summoned my mum for me, maybe it will summon your mate." I say gently.

"Nothing can bring her back, that's why I have you." He says and looks back at me, he then shoves his lips on mine and sticks his tongue inside my mouth, he slaps me when I don't respond so I move my mouth with his. Why did I ever enjoy this? He looks pleased as he pulls back. "Rest my love, for tomorrow we shall have a little bit" I shiver at the word fun and he notices grinning wider, he then proceeded to walk out the room. What is happening?!


Hey lovehearts I hope you enjoyed this chapter, anyway let me know what you think. <3 you all! xx :D Katie :D

ps: Just to reasure you there will be no sex scenes, I won't let anything happen to Bella :) x

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