Time- friend or fo?!

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Bella's P.O.V.

I wake up from my slumber when the basement door suddenly opens and Sam'ds feet come down the stairs. "Wake up, it's already 2pm." Sam says and crouches down in front of me.

"Ugh, my clock's all messed up....Sam I don't suppose I can have a clock can I? You know how I get when my clock is messed up." Sam seems to be thinking about it and nods his head.

"I suppose." He says before darting up the stairs and bringing down a clock, he puts it down next to me and I smiled in thanks. "I'm having my friends over so you'll be alone for a while, here's something to remember me by." He says before pressing his lips to mine and shoving his tongue in my mouth, he starts trailing his hand up my thigh before pulling away and giving me a peck then leaving me back in the near darkness. I glance around and see a window just big enough for me to slip through, how could I possibly leave though?!

Sam's P.O.V.

I was caged in a white walled cell, it's like those in mental asylums for crazy who hurt themselves with anything and everything etc. I look around and realize there's no door, I stand up and start knocking on the walls. Jack let me out of here!

Sorry mate no can do, I'm having way to much fun

Why are you doing this?!

Because she's the closest thing to a mate we have now!

I think about what Jack said as he talks to Bella, but I thought she was our mate....what did Tyler mean?! What does anyone mean anymore? I'm so confused! I'm suddenly in a different part of my mind, I wonder round a little and it looks like an attic a dusty one at that!! I see that there's an extremely dark corner and start to walk towards it, it's an old fashioned trunk...hm I need something to unlock it. I glance around and see a small key, I chance it and slot it into the padlock happy when I hear the crick. I remove the lock and lift the lid, I cough as dust collects and puffs out almost like smoke.

I pull out a book which looks like a diary and flip it open,

Dear diary,

today I found my mate his name is Sam and his wolf is called Jack, I already love him...to soon? I don't even care! He noticed me to but I ran off before he could even call out to me, I don't know why but I though something bad would happen if we talked. Dinner's ready but I'll continue to record the progress. Leah x <3

I drop the book shocked, Leah?! It was slowly coming back, I pick it back up and read the next installment.

Dear diary,

I talked to him! I know it's not much after all it was just a hello how are you type of thing, I wonder if he knows we're mates. I think I'm going to talk to him again soon. Leah x <3

I remember that day to, I continue to read her diary until the last entry.

Dear diary,

I'm pregnant! Can you believe it?! I'm already 5 months pregnant and no one's even realized the small bump, I'm telling Sam tonight I hope he's as happy as I am! Leah x <3

The night she died! I feel tears trickle down my face, I look through the trunk and find the necklace I gave her. It was a simply locker with a rose engraved on it and I love you on the back. I look through some more and find the dress, the dress which was covered in her blood which she had worn the night she died and the same day we met.

I see you found it

How could you make me forget about Leah?!

It's for our own good.

Why are we keeping Bella, she should be with her mate.....we're constricting Tyler to the same pain only his mate is alive! Besides remember no war and SHE has to choose ONE of us!

Look I know what I'm doing!

No you don't! Let Bella go, we don't love her like that!

But we could!

Don't you get it?! She's not Leah! Leah's dead!


I feel Jack kick out our friends before walking down the stairs only to see Bella's no longer there only the clock and the rope.

Was it cut?

Yeah, she must of used the clock...it's not ticking.

Don't go after her, let me have control.

Nah, lets sleep.

And with that I felt myself being covered in a blanket of darkness.


I hope you guys liked it!? And I know it's mostly in Sam's view but the next chapter should be Tyler's view and the one after that Bella's :) Please vote, comment and share if you feel it in your bones my little lovehearts! xx <3 :D Katie :D

ps: This is dedicated to Yinber for being my 100th follower! thank you to all of you who follow me lovehearts! xx

Madness sequel to Mental (Old, Badly Written!)Where stories live. Discover now