Tip 27

655 20 10

Dedicated to Maddypck
Another thing that a lot of dancer struggle with: being okay with their body. It's a thing that MOST dancers go through! Especially when you get into middle school ages, but just know this, that your body is perfect just the way it is !!! And don't ever forget that! Who cares about the other dancers thoughts? That's right just them! And if you do care, STOP, they are the ones that need to charge their attitude towards you! And if they won't, it's their loss that they won't be friends with you! So Haters, BACK OFF!

Guys this is a serious issue with many girls in middle school and high school, as one of my favorite YouTubers say, "whateveah it's their loss not yours" /" /Awesome Alana/
Guys if you need anything , if you are struggling with depression or suicide or self harm, or ANYTHING else PLEASE PM me!!!! I love all my readers! So please take this seriously . I am here for each one of you if you need something!

Keep dancing /: tiffani163

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