Tip 55

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Whoops! I'm gonna start adding stories into my tips if I have any!

Tip: make sure you know how slippery the stage or floor is BEFORE you perform!

Story: A while back one of my friends asked me to do this tiny performance for a fundraiser to help out a family in need in my city... so I got some help from my dance teacher and I learned Trepak from the Nutcracker! (It was around Christmas btw)

I had no idea about the stage, or how slippery it was, I only knew the size.

When I got there, I saw that the stage was wood, not like the nice wood that some studios have, but like the wood in the really old gyms or middle schools.... if you know what I mean.

I didn't get the chance to go up onto the stage until it was my time to perform! Even just walking out to the center my feet were slipping all over the place!

After I did the first few seconds I realized that there was NO way I was going to be able to my planned choreography without breaking an ankle!

Long story short, I had to improvise the whole dance.... I was basically just screaming inside my head the whole time! But at least I was smiling!

Thanks for coming to my TedTalk, and make sure you anticipate the details of the stage you are going to be on!


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