Tip #28

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OMGOSH GUYS!!!! I'm soooooo sorry😵😵😵 I've been super busy with dance and school🔪 but yay! I'm  back to updates!!!!!! I only have 71/2 more days so of school so I will be updating more during the summer!!!! So because I haven't updated in a looooooooooooooong time, you will get a few different tips on different areas.


Back handspring workout,

Bridge up 10 sec × 3
Handstand snapdowns -15
Dont forget to rebound!!!
Push-ups -20
Handstand hold
60 sec facing wall
60 sec facing away from the wall
Wings raises with dumbells 15
Plank 60 sec
Side Plank 30 sec each side
Plank 30 sec
There you go!

Pointe prep workout

60 sec Plank
10 demi plies in first
5 Grande plies in first
15 releves with 3 second hold
5 single leg releves on each leg
10 burpees
5 toundues devant each leg
10 sec balance each leg
10 burpees
10 single legged releves each side
5 ankle circles each way and leg
60 sec plank
Anyway sorry about the looooooooooooooong wait hope you like it!
Keep dancing / tiffani163;-]

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