Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I woke up to a hand roughly shaking my shoulders. I uttered something compeltely muffled, groaned awkwardly into my pillow and then rolled around on my bed until I saw a pair of feet standing next to me. I looked up, and in front of my bed was the penguin in a bathing suit that I'd thought of yesterday...nah, it was Hunter.

"Whaaa?" I croaked.

"School." He muttered.

I looked over at my clock and gasped as it read 8.00 AM. That meant that I had approximatley 25 minutes to wash, get dressed, have breakfast and get into my Mom's car. What happened to the alarm that I set for 7?

"Hey, did you switch my alarm?" I asked Hunter as I sat up.

"No, you slept through it so I turned it off." He shrugged.

"Why the fuck didn't you wake me?!"

"For my own entertainment purposes."

"Ugh, you're such a jerk." I groaned as I finally forced my very lazy ass out of my very comfortable bed. I wandered over to the mirror and then quickly started brushing through my platinum blonde hair. I looked to my side, and noticed that an incredibly dazed Hunter was standing near the door, just gazing at me. He was only in a pair pajama shorts, and a small black vee top. His black hair was scruffy, and he looked a lot paler than usual if that was even possible.


The way Hunter said my name was priceless. It was almost genuine, like he was adressing me as if I were his friend.


He opened his mouth to speak, but then quickly shook his head. "Nothing. Never mind." With that, Hunter simply rubbed the back of his neck and then strolled out of the room.

I frowned. How amazingly odd of Hunter to do such a strange and very questionable thing. Oh wait, that was Hunter's whole personality.

Once I'd slipped into some light blue skinny jeans, white vest top and knee high white converses, I washed my face, brushed my teeth, applied some light makeup with thin eyeliner on my waterline, and then I made my way downstairs.

"Morning, Kitty." Mom sang as she placed a plate of toast in front of Hunter. He frowned at it, ripped it in half and then shoved one half of the toast in the bin when Mom wasn't looking. I rolled my eyes, and then sat down opposite Hunter.

Mom placed some toast in front of me along with some orange juice. "Thanks Mom."

"You're welcome honey!" She smiled back. "Hunter, are you sure that you're okay? You look awfully than always. Have you been getting enough sleep? Or eating enough? Is there anything bothering you? You've been keeping yourself hydrated, haven't you? Because it's important to drink lots of water-"

"I'm fine, Lisa." He said coldly, addressing my Mom by her first name. He looked at me for a brief moment, and went back to the harsh glare. "Is the room free?"

"Well I'm not in there..."

Without another word, Hunter stormed off.

"What on earth is going on in that boys head?" Mom said under her breath, blowing out a sigh. I nodded in agreement, and honestly, I really wished that I did know.

15 minutes later, I was sat in the backseat of my Mom's car on the way to school. Hunter was in the front, and he seemed awfully depressed for someone who was normally sad anyways. Mom had already asked about 100 times if he was ok, but he just flipped her off every time.

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