Chapter 15.

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{ Hunter's Pov } --- { Picture of Kat In The Side! }

"As this is your last session with me before your family moves back to America, I'd really like to focus on the topic that we're here for."

I ignored Doctor Carter. Talking about my  "issues" was the last thing on my mind. I knew that I needed to get over what happened to me whilst I grew up, but it was hard. I'd known life as nothing but pain and abuse for 13 years. 3 years in an okay atmosphere was not going to change it.  

The only thing that made me forget about all that crap was Kat. I mean, it never used to be like that. I used to hate the living shit out of her. But now I was finding myself coming closer to her. I knew that I had feelings for her on some level, but I would never act on them. No way in hell. Besides, they were tiny feelings. Invisible almost. 

So it annoyed me when Kat kept demanding why I wanted to be close to her all the time. Why I wrapped my arms around her when we were in bed. Why I even got in her bed and held her hand.

Cause I like you, you bitch!

On some level.

Like I said, the feelings were just about invisible. 

They'd go away soon if I ignored them well enough.

Doctor Carter cleared his throat. "Hunter?"

I wouldn't reply.

I clutched my lip.


Shut the fuck up!

"I understand that you've come to some confusion about your Father?"

My head snapped up as soon as the word Father penetrated through my ears. I hated that word. Loathed it. And Carter knew that I didn't want to talk about him, so why the fuck did he bring it up?

"Don't say shit about him." I hissed. 

Carter smiled, as if all he'd been aiming for was a response.

"Hunter, we've got to talk about him."

"No we don't!"

Somehow, he managed to stay calm. "We do and we're going to."

"No we're not!" I screamed. "We're not going to talk about that bastard! You're only doing this because you get paid a crap load an hour! You don't give a shit so do me a favor and shut the fuck up!"

My anger had suddenly increased ever since 2 days ago, I was informed that my Father was still alive. I hadn't taken the news well. I'd attacked Chris. Cried into Kat all through the night.

And then had a dream where I was 13. Chris was telling me about my Dad, how he had escaped. And I suddenly felt stupid for not remembering it. I'd blamed myself, but Chris assured me that I'd just blocked it out because I didn't want it to be true.

I put it down to me being a pathetic waste of space.

Carter sighed and leaned forwards. "Hunter, I'm getting paid either way. I'm here to help you because it's my job and my priority to help people. I understand that what you're going through is hard but one day, you're going to get through it. There are millions of people who have been through a hard time, but they've gotten the right help and they're happy now. Why can't you be one of those people?"

I remained quiet. I didn't have an answer.

"Can I let you in on a little secret?"

I shrugged, half interested.

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