Chapter 16 (:

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Hunter was completely ignoring me and it was royally pissing me off. We'd only had brief conversations and he'd gone back to his old habits. Hardly eating, swearing in every sentence, and shoving me out of his way if I blocked him. The only conversations we'd had ended up like this.

"Hey Hunter, do you want me to help you pack?"


"Hey Hunter, do you wanna sit next to me on the plane?"


"Hey Hunter, do you still wanna share a room?"


"Hey Hunter-"

"Fuck off!"

I guess it was an understatement to say that I was upset. i mean, me and Hunter had become so close during our time in Cyprus and now he was becoming so distant. I thought that it had something to do with his Dad attacking Chris, but I wouldn't believe that was the reason.

I'd told him to stay away from the one he loved if he was putting them in danger.

Now he was avoiding me.

But...was that right?

Did Hunter...have feelings for me?

Did me?

The flight had been boring. Endless hours sat next to my amazingly boring Mother. Chris and Hunter sat behind us, and I tried my hardest to listen into their slight conversation. They hardly spoke though. Hunter kept asking the time, Chris kept telling him. Hunter kept fidgeting, Chris kept telling him that everything was ok. I turned back to see if they were both alright, Hunter killed me with his eyes.

When we arrived back at our old house, (which we hadn't sold in case we had to move back), Chris told me and Hunter to go upstairs to sleep immediatley. It was 3 in the morning so i was understandable about that. But when I reached my bedroom door, I hesitated. I thought about going into Hunter's room, and wondered if he was thinking the same about me.

But when I turned to face him, he'd already gone.

That night had been the most lonely night I'd slept through in a long time.

The next day, I was on the urge of killing Hunter. Mom and Chris had gone out to buy some food, and I had tried a casual conversation with my 'ex friend.' I'd only asked if he was ok, and he snapped immediatley. Returning to old habits, I snapped back.

"God, why do you have to be such a jerk?!" I demanded.

Hunter rolled his eyes, getting up off the couch. "Like I've never heard that one before."

I pushed his shoulders so he stumbled back. "I just wanted to know if you were ok! There's no crime in that so why don't you just wisen the fuck up and act like a mature adult?!"

"Cause I'm not an adult, you bitch!"

"And you never will be if you carry on with this immature shit!"

Hunter shoved me back and I crashed into the wall, my head slamming painfully against it. I restrained myself quickly, and then...I launched at Hunter.

He toppled down on the couch and I immediatley pressed my body down on his. My legs placed on both sides of his legs and I was more or less sat on his stomach. Grabbing Hunter's arms, I leaned my head down to meet his icy green eyes.

"I have tried so hard to help you!" I screamed. "I honestly thought that you were changing! I thought that I could trust you! Confide in you! Rely on you! But now you've just turned into an actual bastard who I get scared of talking to! You scare me Hunter! I'm so scared that when you're pissed, you're going to hit me like you do with Chris or Doctor Carter! Whenever you get mad, you don't hold it in like normal people, you strike out and it scares the hell out of me! But that's when you're like this! When you're normal, showing your true self just like 3 days ago, you're absolutley amazing. I want to be with you when you're like that. When you're showing your true colors, you are the most amazing person on this planet and all I want to do is be in your arms. Why do you have to ruin it, Hunter? Why?"

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