Chapter 23 <3

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(AN) Thankyou all who voted for chapter 1 and 22! It means so much to me!>< It occured to me that I've never mentioned Hunter's last name :L basically, he didn't change his surname when he was adopted by chris so he's not Taylors. He's Storm(:



Like it?

It makes him sound so creepy but we all know how hot he is(':

Is there anything particular that you guys are wanting to see happen in this story?

Cause I love suggestions and always put them in!^.^

So, I'm going to move the votes up to 50 until the next chapter since I've been getting so many!>< But I'll be leaving it at that for a while because 50 votes is quite a lot! I'm hoping that one day we'll be reaching 100!^.^

So, I shall leave you at that!

Remember, 50 votes till the next chapter ;)!

And I love you all!:')XXX

*Kat's Pov*

"You've reached 911, what is your emergency?"

"My friends car just crashed and he's unconscious. We're just near the river on Maine Street. And also, there's a missing person's case. Hunter Storm. His Dad kidnapped him and they're at the Boarding House on Maine Street. You have to get there quick because his Dad is going to kill him."

"We're sending Police to the destinations." The electric kind of voice replied. "Can I have your name?"

"Kat Taylors."

"How old are you?"


"Are you hurt?"

"Not much."

"Are you still in the vehicle?"

"No, I managed to get out."

"Just sit tight and wait for the Police and Ambulance to arrive, ok?"

"No. I have to go and find Hunter."

Hanging up the phone, I looked at the damaged car in front of me. James was still unconscious, a small bleeding cut on his forhead and a bloody nose. He wasn't dead, thankfully. When I'd nudged him after getting out, he'd made a weird sort of groan like he was tired...and I'd promised him that help was coming.

I was hurt myself though.

My left arm felt as if it had been dislocated and the bone was definitley in the wrong place.

I could feel blood trickling down from my mouth and broken pieces of glass stuck in my bloody t-shirt. I couldn't waste time though; the house was only a few blocks away.

So even though I felt light headed and hurt and tired and sore, I ran like hell for Hunter.

I was going to save him.

*Hunter's Pov*

My eyes slowly started to open and once again, I wished that they hadn't. I was in my old room. Earlier I'd been in my Dad's room and that was hard enough. But be in the room that my Mom died in; the room that I had almost been murdered in and abused many felt unreal.

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