Chapter 21 :$

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(AN) I know I said 30 votes till the next chapter, but I was desperate to upload this and 25 is close enough ;) hehehe!^.^ You might all hate me for the ending in this chapter...but ah well(: haters make me famous!(: I love the way us Geordie's say's like hyatas!>< Newcastlers are sexy(: Anyway, i wont ramble on! Here you go!(:

30 votes till next chapter!

I wont cheat this time, hehehe ;)

I love you all! XXX

*Hunter's Pov*

My eyes slowly started to twitch open. But once I began to remember exactly what had happened, I didn't want to be awake. I wanted to fall back asleep and wake up in Kat's arms.


Would she be worried?

What about Chris?

No. He wouldn't be worried. He kicked me out, he got angry, he hated me.

I knew that sometimes I could overreact on the things that happened between me and Chris. But I was so used to people hating me for no reason. So when Chris was actually angry about something important, I got it into my head that he hated the crap out of me.

"Hunter...are you awake?"

I tried to ignore the voice; I hated that voice. I'd believed that voice to be dead for over 3 years and now it was suddenly back in my life. I felt as if I was going to die. My heart was racing, hands were sweating, and I could barely feel my body. It was like I knew that if I opened my eyes and saw him, I would go into full hyperventilation; panic; anxiety.

I couldn't deal with this.

A hand placed on my shoulder, and that was where it all became too real for me.

I tried to get away instantly.

Blinking my eyes open, I thrashed around on the bed. I forced myself over onto my side and tried to push my legs onto the floor, but an arm grabbed my shoulder again and I was hoisted back.

Unwillingly, my eyes sliced into his.

My Father's.

His cold green eyes stared back at me with a complete emotionless expression. He looked like he used to like; high and drunk and like he was about to kill me. His black hair was ruffled and uneven stubble surrounded his chin.

Staring at him made me realize that I had never been safe.

Being with Kat...with Chris, it was all just a lie.

It was lifes way of punishing me.

Making me think that I was safe and then leaving me in the hands with a monster.

It was kind of ironic. The bitch had said that if I told Chris about her sleeping with Dr Brown, then I'd be placed with people like my Father.

I told Chris...and now I was with my Dad.

He just continued to stare at me, like he was trying to figure me out.

I hated it.

And at that moment, I wished that Kat hadn't saved me.

*Kat's Pov*

"You worthless bitch!" I yelled and slapped my Mom right in the face. Chris locked his arms around my waist and hoisted me back but I still glared at her with cold eyes.

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