Chapter 32 <3

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(AN) PLEASE READ! I put this in my other AN, but nobody seemed to read it! I can tell you one thing about Hunter's name! For a fact, it is NOT Angel! I'm sorry, but I'm getting hundreads of messages a day asking if it's Angel and the name Angel is starting to annoy me -.- a few people HAVE guessed the name, and I'll post their names in the last chapter. I love how everyone is guessing what Hunter's name is, but please stop with the angel. It's not his name, I promise<3

Anyway!(: thanks for the votes, comments, reads...i'm gonna be real quick and get straight onto the chapter. Remember 50 votes till the next update but bring on the over 100 my lovely's<3

thannkies to all of you and please enjoy!


*Kat's Pov*

"What the flying fuck are you 2 homos doing in my bed?!"

My eyes shot open and I popped my head up from Hunter's chest to face a kind of angry looking James. His mouth was wide open in shock and he had his arms in the air. Remebering that me and Hunter were half naked, I yelped and then grabbed the blankets; covering the both of us. I self consciously poked my head out from the covers and Hunter chuckled into my hair.

"Dude!" James hissed. "You said we were having a threesome! How could you just ditch me like that?! I wanted to fuck you both as well!"

James gave us the evilest look and then dived onto our legs.

God, James was such a strange person.

He wasn't pissed off that me and Hunter had messed around sexually in his spare bed, he was pissed off because he wasn't there to join in the fun.

What a completely sane child.

"We didn't have sex, James." I told him.

"What did you do?" He asked, smirking.

"Stuff..." I muttered.

"You sucked him off, didn't you?!"

Hunter reached over and slapped James' head. "Dude!"

I rolled my eyes. "I didn't, James."

"What then?"

"I'm not telling you!"

"I'm just gonna assume you had sex and didn't invite me."

I groaned. "It's the step down from what you assumed before."

James cracked a grin. "Ohhhhh, you kinky little-"

"Anyway..." I cut him off. "Where did you sleep last night?"

"Oh, I passed out in my garden for a while and then I woke up and tried to come upstairs, but I fell asleep going up the stairs. I'm so hungover."

"Likewise." I murmured.

"My head hurts like a bitch." Hunter added.

"Aw, babe." I cooed, tracing the back of my hand against his forehead. He felt a little hot which was weird because he was always cold, and in Alaska, it was difficult to get warm. But I blamed it down to the consequences of drinking. "Sure you're ok?"

He pulled my hand off his forehead and held it, "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Ok." I whispered, gently kissing his cheek and then lying back down at his side. I awkwardly kicked James' legs and he glared.


"Get off."

"No. I'm comfy."

"Get of James." Hunter muttered, a threat in his eyes.

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