Chapter 5.

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Monday afternoon at the end of school, I was walking towards my Mom's car when I saw the most unbelievable, unexpected, uncalled for scene I had ever witnessed in my entire life. Well, maybe that was a little over exaggerated. It was just an amazingly, enourmously big shock.

Lux was standing at the corner of the school building, her eyes wide, her face blushing and her smile spread out. With one hand, she was twirling a strand of her curly red hair and the other was locked between someone else's.




Well, not my Hunter. But you know, my Hunter?

At first, I thought that it was the heat getting to me and I was picturing the most unwanted scenes in history. But then I realized, it couldn't have been the heat as it was actually quite a cloudy day.

So, there it was. The unexpected, uncalled for, unbelievable scene that I was currently staring open mouthed at, in absolute shock.

Were they an item?

Lux and Hunter?

Their names surely didn't sound like they should be an item. Even the other way around with Hunter and Lux. They had no possible couple name, the best being Lunter or Hux and none of them were exactly Brangelina or Delena were they?

I continued staring at the two for a few more minutes, trying to figure out exactly what was happening. Ok, so Lux's eyes were all interested and flirty whereas Hunter's were bored and impatient. One of his arms were wrapped around her waist, and he held her hand which obviously meant that he wanted to be close to her, if not then he was just a jerk for pretending to care.

Either Hunter had done the amazingly strange thing of saying something funny, or Lux just had a little flirty laugh escape her lips for no apparent reason. And - oh fucking God.

Hunter leaned in, and ever so quickly pressed his lips against Lux's. It only lasted for about 2 seconds, but it was there.

Hunter had just kissed a girl.

A girl.

My friend.


Lux kissed my sort of brother.

Bad, bad move.

I looked even closer, and where Lux seemed totally starstruck about the kiss, Hunter seemed to have the exact opposite of views. He simply said a few unknown words to her, dropped her hand and her waist, and then wandered off in my direction.

Before he could see me, I quickly spun around and more or less sprinted to my Mom's car. I didn't want Hunter knowing that I had just spied on his little romantic flirt with my friend. Plus, I didn't want to talk about it either.

I wasn't jealous at the slightest, I just didn't want Hunter or Lux to be romantically involved. Actually, I didn't want Hunter to be involved with anyone. And though it may seem like jealousy was my top emotion, it wasn't.

Hunter would hurt Lux.

He wouldn't care.

If he couldn't care for his so called sister, then how could he care for a completely unknown stranger? Unless he really just hated and couldn't stand me? i shuddered at the thought.

Because it was more than likely to be true.

Hunter jumped into the backseat of the car and Mom didn't even bother talking to him. She seemed to have given up on him in some way, lost all hope. Unlike Chris. Chris was the only one who hadn't given up.

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