Chapter 13

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Life is so fucking unpredictable. One minute you're in perfect happiness. You're lying down with warm arms around you, being held in a secure grasp and you feel as if nothing in the world can ever hurt you again. But then, reality kicks in and the fairytale ends. You get a phone call in the middle of the night and recieve devistating news. You're forced to call a cab at 3 o'clock in the morning and are driven to the hospital in complete silence and worry. You arrive at the hospital and your Mom is crying hysterically. She opens up her arms and hugs you. Then turns to your adoptive step brother on your side and whispers I'm so sorry. He becomes impatient and demands furiously what has happened even though he already knows the answer. You take his hand trying to calm him down, but you see him break into a million pieces when your Mom says the 2 words you wished she never said. It's Chris. Then, the boy on your side shatters. So there you have it. Life is fucking unpredictable, and you have no idea what will happen next.

"Hunter?" I whispered.

His arm was around me and I had just woken up from a very uncomfortable sleep on a couch in the hospital waiting room. I knew that Hunter hadn't slept, it was just obvious. He was in shock. Who wouldn't be? After all, the one man that made an effort in helping him had just gotten severly attacked and was now in a coma. Yes, Chris was in a coma.

The person responsible had escaped. Mom said that he was tall and wore a black mask covering his face. He literally just ran up and started hitting Chris in the head with a baseball bat, then ran away. He had no motive, demanded for no money, he just hit him. And got away with it.

I felt Hunter's head lean against mine. "What?"

"Are you ok?"


"Have you slept?"


"Don't lie."

"Fine, I haven't."

"Just try, please?"

"I fucking can't!"

"Language!" Mom snapped from where she sat across the room. She'd noticed last night on how Hunter had wrapped his arm around me and pulled me in close. She wasn't too happy about that, called it weird and that we shouldn't act like we were a couple. She was wrong though. Hunter needed comfort and I needed it too. We just ignored her, and were doing so now as well.

How could Hunter control his fucking language when his adoptive Father was in a coma?

A few minutes later, Doctor Thompson, who had been delivering news about Chris all night, headed up to to Mom and Hunter immediatley seemed to have an increase in his attention.

"What's happening?" Mom demanded.

"Your husband has improved remarkably since last night, Mrs Taylors." Doctor Thompson replied, smiling slightly. "He's still in a traumatic state but he's able to breathe without life support now."

Mom nodded. "Is he going to wake up?"

"Most likely but it's difficult to say. I'd give it a few days before we can really judge on that."

"But he's doing well, though? He's gonna make it?"

"Mrs Taylors, we need to wait before we can confirm on that. I'll update you if anything changes, ok? But you should go home and get some rest. It's not good for you or the children to be here for too long."

"Ok. Thankyou so much."

As Doctor Thompson wandered off, Mom stood up and headed over to me and Hunter. I guess I never really got on with my Mom, not really and definitley not at the minute. Saying that if Chris was ever out of the picture she would send Hunter back to the adoption centre was the final straw. Then saying that me and Hunter shouldn't 'act like a couple' when all we were doing was comforting each other in a hard time. She was selfish and without regret, I wished that it was her that was hurt and not Chris.

Love Like A DelinquentOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora