Chapter 22 <3

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(AN) Fuck, I got so many votes on my last chapter! It made my day! I was literally hyper for the entire day after I saw how many votes I'd gotten! Please God, keep voting like that?!:D

sorry about the cliffhanger.....

hehehe, i know you hate me for that ^.^

So...since I got so many votes for my last chapter, it's going to be 40 votes until the next chappie! Ok?(:


On my 1st chapter, I have literally hardly any votes. And you know how wattpaders are..they click on a story, see it has hardly any votes and they think...'huh, if it were that good that more people would've voted.' So pretty pretty please would all of you who have not voted for Chapter 1, could you please vote so that this story gets more popular? I would love you all for the rest of my life!^.^

Right, also! Near the end of this chapter, Hunter's Dad (John) mentions something very important! He mentions how Hunter is not Hunter's real name! And that is an important part of the story! So remember that!


Repeat that 3 times (: x

Ok, well I'm probably boring you all so remember, 40 votes till next chapter and I love you all!


*Hunter's Pov*

"No!" I screamed, pulling myself out of my Dad's arms. I crashed to the floor, rolled over onto my side and reached up for the pen knife on the edge of the bed. Just as my fingers were inches away from the blade, Dad's arms wrapped around my waist and hoisted me back against his chest. "Get off!"

But instead of replying, he simply threw me to the ground and before I could pull myself up, his foot slammed against my neck.

I choked as my air was blocked.

"I don't like this new attitude of yours." He murmured as he crouched down next to me. He moved his foot from my neck but I decided not to struggle. It would just get me in more pain.

"Chris needs some better parenting skills, he's fucked you up."

You can't say shit about parenting skill, you abusive asshole!

No, I didn't say those words out aloud. My Dad frightened me. In fact, he terrified the fuck out of me and I felt as if I was continuously having a panic attack whenever I even heard his name. So no, I wasn't going to insult him. Fuck, I'd rebel and struggle and fight.

But I would not, under any circumstance, insult him.

"No!" I cried as the gun in Dad's hand placed against my chest. I tried to move my legs, to move anything just so I could get the fuck out of there, but I couldn't move.

I was frozen.

"It's ok that you hate me." Dad murmured, tracing the tip of the gun up and down my chest. "Because I hate you too."

"Fuck you!" I hissed, not quite believing that those words escaped my mouth.

Angrily, Dad grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled me in close to his face.

Then, he said the words which I believed with a passion.


*Kat's Pov*

"Kat, what's wrong?" Chris demanded as I phoned him on my cell. I'd managed to stop crying, punching the wall and screaming in frustration, but I was still royally freaking out.

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