Chapter 35 <3

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(AN) I have the hangover from hell but I love this story too damn much!

People hate Claire, which you should ;) but guys, don't hate Alex! I can officially tell you that Alex is one of the good guys and will remain friends with Hunter forever and ever<3!

People are starting to go like 'OH MY GOD HUNTER! YOU CHEAT! BASTARD! ARGGGG I HATE YOU!'

So I kinda have to put a little defense for Hunter into this....

1st off (: When he was taking the vampireish picture with Claire, he HAD to do what Alex told him to. It's what models do. If he'd had said 'oh i can't do that cause i've got a girlfriend...' then that would kinda ruin his job and he wouldn't get into as many shoots.

2nd) Getting drunk is natural to him. He's alcahol dependant and that is NOT his fault. Rough past :'( So if 2 of his new friends offer to take him out to get drunk, he's obviously going to accept ^.^

3rd) Hunter didn't do ANYTHING sexual with Claire. He was feeling lightheaded from the drinks (or the possibility of getting drugged...) and he couldn't move for a while. But since he has  a little something called common sense! He freaked himself out of the little trancey thing and shoved Claire off him!


hehe, 50 votes till next update! Bring Me The Horizon over 100;)!

I love you all! XXX


*Hunter's Pov*

"Just hold on, alright?" Kat told me as I called her the next morning. My head pounded violently, my body ached from sleeping on the bathroom floor and worst of all, I couldn't remember anything from last night.

"Alright." I whispered into the phone.

"When do you think you'll be back?"

"I dunno, I can't even get up." I admitted.

Kat sighed. "And you told me you weren't drunk."

"I'm sorry."


"Why did you say it like that?" I asked. "Why did you say it like you were disappointed with me?"

"Because I am disappointed, Hunter." She mumbled.

"Why? Did I do something bad?"

"You lied to me."

"No I didn't!" I cried. "I'd only had 2 shots when I called you last night! I wasn't drunk!"

"But you get drunk like it's the most normal thing in the world." She pointed out. "You get drunk a lot. If you don't put an end to it then you're gonna end up as an alcaholic."

"But I wont!" I promised.

"Hunter, you told me that the reason you got drunk was so that you could forget all of the crap that was happening in your life."

"It is!" I exclaimed.

"So why did you get drunk last night? Because before you left, you didn't seem to be in some kind of post traumatic stress phase. You were fine. Face it, Hunter. You got drunk because you wanted to. Simple as that. Hell, you wont even tell me your name and you're alcahol dependant."

"No I'm not!"

"Hunter, it's obvious."

"It fucking isn't!"

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