Chapter 11

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"What happened? Why am I here?" I ask Liam and he bites his lip shaking his head

"Louis. He um..." he pauses "beat you up" he tells me

"No. He was being nice to me, he wouldn't do that" I tell him "He hugged me and he even kissed me!" I shout at Liam. Louis wouldn't have done this to me.

Liam stands up and sits next to me on the hospital bed "He did H. If you don't believe me ask any other person in school they'll tell you the exact same as I did" He pushes my hair out of my eyes "you deserve better then him"

If Louis did beat me up I'm never going to forgive him. I couldn't. He hurt me. "Li, why does he keep hurting me? I've done nothing to him" I sigh tears forming in my eyes

"You've done absolutely nothing H. He's just a jerk. He likes to ruin others lives. I don't know why he takes it all out on you, you've done nothing to him. He doesn't deserve happiness, he's just a sick and twisted human" Liam rants he looks at me and notices that I'm crying "shhhhh, he doesn't deserve you crying over him, H. Your so much better then he will ever be" Liam hugs me stroking my hair softly

"Has the doctor come back in yet?" I ask Liam trying to take my mind off Louis.

"Yeah. He just said that you had slight concussion and that you should rest for a few days, but you can go home today" Liam smiles at me and I smile at him

"I'll have to get mum of Gem to pick us up" I told him smiling and he nods "could you pass me my phone?" He puts his hand in his coat pocket and pulls out my iPhone and smiles

The first thing that comes up are 10 messages from Louis

From: Louis
I'm sorry

From: Louis
Harry, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that to you

From: Louis
I hope your okay? x

From: Louis
Please let me know your okay when you get this please Styles

From: Louis
Harry, it's 3 in the morning... I can't sleep just tell me your okay

From: Louis
I'm really sorry Harry. I'm a dick I know that... I've probably lost you forever now

From: Louis
It's now 7 in the morning. I haven't slept one bit, I just can't stop thinking about you

From: Louis
Harry. Please just tell me your okay. I know I messed up, you can call me whatever you want but I like you Harry... your the best thing that's happened to me and I'm sorry for beating you up.

From: Louis
Please message me or something I can explain

From: Louis
Just one text Harry? I'll stop messaging now I take it your not going to message me back. But if your reading this I'm sorry.

My heart is doing summersaults. I can't trust him though. I thought everything was going to be different after the day that we had together but no. He beats me up. I don't know if I will ever forgive him.

I hate him and I hate myself for being such a naive person. How could I have been fooled by him? I knew deep down that he would still treat me like shit, but there was just some part of me that thought different... that he actually cared about me. I guess I'm wrong. I've always been wrong.

"Harry?" Liam asks "you okay, you been staring at your phone for about ten minutes. He tells me and I nod

"Sorry just day dreaming" I lye I tap on my mums name and press call.

"Harry are you okay sweetie? I heard what had happened" She tells me with worry in her voice

"I'm f-fine" I tell her trying to hold back a cry "just a j-jerk from s-school" and that was it my whole body started to shake with anger and fear. Tears streaming down my face. I couldn't stop them. I just wanted to cry. To let out everything.

"It's okay honey, I'm going to pick you up now okay? We can get some ice-cream, watch a film and cuddle up together. Just like we used to. I'll be there soon Harry just wait for me" she tells me then puts the phone down

Liam pulls me into him and tries to calm me down "Harry?" He asks and I cry even more

"H-he's messaged m-me" I cry handing Liam my phone. Liam scrolls through the messages and starts typing "d-don't" I tell him but he carries on

"To: Louis
The doctors told me that I'm lucky to be alive with the hight that my head hit the ground. I hate you! I thought that you were going to be different but no I thought wrong didn't I? Just leave me alone"

"D-did they r-really say that?" I ask Liam stuttering and he nods a tear rolling down his face

"You had fallen to the ground Harry. After you had your CT scan you heart had stopped beating and they had to bring you back around, that was all because of the shock of everything that had just happened to you. So yeah they did say that you were lucky to be alive as you almost died" Liam tells me getting a little angry with tears rolling down his face. "And he thinks he can make everything okay with a simple 'I'm sorry I didn't mean to' text" Liam laughs angrily

I can't see much as my eyes keep blurring from the crying but the door opens, a doctor comes walking through and smiles at me "your awake Mr. Styles" he smiles "I'm Dr. Chris, the one that took you to hospital yesterday. How are you doing now? You've had a bit of a rubbish couple of days haven't you"

"I don't really remember much" I tell him and he nods

"That's probably just from the concussion. You'll start to remember bits in time, but don't push yourself to remember" he tells me "now here's your paracetamol, take this. Should help with the headaches that you are getting. I'll put some in reception for you to pick up on the way out" he smiles handing me the tablet and a cup of water.

"Thank you, Dr. Chris" I smile as he walks out the room

"He's nice" Liam states and I nod smiling

"Is that your attempt in getting me to ask him out?" I ask Liam and he nods

"He's probably too old for me. Besides he's probably not gay" I tell Liam

"The worst thing that can happen is that he says no" Liam tells me. He pauses "I'll go and get him" Liam leaves the room closing the door behind him.

Minutes later Dr. Chris enters the room "I'm just going to wait outside" Liam tells us closing the door

"I guess he's trying to set us up" Dr. Chris asks me and I nod laughing

"Yes he is, he seems to try and set me up with everyone" I tell him and he nods waking over towards me. He pulls open a draw on the stand next to the bed and takes out a piece of paper he then takes his pen out of his pocket on his shirt and smiles writing something on the paper

"Here you go, it'll shut him up for a while" he smiles handing the paper to me "by the way my names Jamie" he smiles walking out the room

I can't believe he actually gave me his number. Liam comes walking in with his mouth hanging wide open "he gave you his number?" He asks looking shocked I nod laughing at him

"Yes, yes he did" I laugh. Did he just give it to me to shut Liam up or was it because he actually liked me?

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