chapter 16

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Harry smiles at me and I smile back at him still cuddled in his arms. "Morning Lou" He says in his rough morning voice causing me to smile even more

"Keep talking" I tell him causing him to look at me confused "your morning voice is sexy" I smile which makes his hit my side

"Shut up" Harry tells me and I kiss his lips "Lou? Is that your phone?" Harry pushes me off him

"So?" I tell him "I'm more intrested in you then someone calling me" I press my lips to his again. The phone then stops for a couple of seconds then starts again. I pull away from Harry and pick my phone up, it's Shan. I swipe to answer the phone "you alright?" I ask her

"Yeah... I'm fine, how's Niall?" She asks me

"Hasn't Michael told you?" I question her

"Yeah. I just thought that you would have herd something over night" she says then sighs

"What's up?" I ask her "where's Micheal?"

"Nothing. He's at work had to leave early this morning. I'm not going to school today, got to go to the hospital for a blood test" she tells me "hate blood"

"I'll come with you if you want me to?" I tell her

"No. No its fine. Got my cousin coming with me, she's coming down for a week or two" she says

"Is she?" I ask smiling, her family is the best I smile to myself... I sure wish mine were like hers. "I'll have to pop over tonight"

"Yeah, you will and bring Harry too. Would be nice to see you too together" she adds "I was thinking of seeing niall while I'm at the hospital do you think that's okay?" She asks

"Ahhh is that what you rang me for?" I laugh "Yeah. Should be fine... he wasn't awake yesterday as he was under anesthetics but he should be okay today"

"Yeah, I pretend your my best mate when really Ni is" she laughs "Alright, thank you Lou... we shall see you tonight then" she puts the phone down before I get a chance to say bye

"Who was it?" Harry asks as I cuddle up to him again

"Just Shan. She's got a blood test today and wanted to see Niall after. She... Well I've invited us over tonight to meet her cousin" I tell him "If you would like to go"

"Yeah that would be nice" Harry smiles

*Shannon 's p.o.v*
I rush to the door in my pajamas and answer the door smiling "Hey!" I smile "Come in" I pull my cousin Becky into the house

"Been such a long time since I've been here" She says putting her bag down on the floor "how are you?" She asks me

"I'm good... tired" I tell her "we better head for the bus or we will miss it" I pick up my bag and drag Becky out  of the house

As we get to the hospital we are sat in the consultants room and he puts the needle into me "how are you finding the pregnancy?" He asks

"It's going okay. Morning sickness is the worst though. But me and the dad just can't wait to have the baby in our arms" I tell him and he smiles

"And we are done" he tells me putting the needle down on the table.

"Thank you" I say putting my cost on and picking my bag up from the floor.
I see Becky in the waiting area so I walk up to her "all done?" She asks

"Yeah. I just want to go see my friend. He got sent here yesterday, as he was beaten up" I tell her and she looks at me shocked

"Someone beat him up? You better be carefull" she tells me and I smile.

We walk into the ward where niall is about 10 minutes after. On the way there all I did was talk about him. One of the main reasons to bring Becky here was to set her and Niall up. Because he is into girls like her and she likes guys like him. So perfect couple o figured.

"Hey Niall" I walk up to his bed and he smiles at me. His face is purple in places from the bruising, he has a few cuts too on his face "how are you doing?" I ask him and he sits up raising the bed with the control scrunching his face up in pain but then smiles.

"as good as I can" Niall says "who's this?" He asks looking straight at Becky

"Oh... that's my cousin Becky" I tell him and he smiles

"She single?" He whispers in my ear and I nod smiling

"I've just got to go ring Michael and tell him how I got on" I tell Becky waking towards the door I turn back and wink at Niall causing him to smile

I take my phone out of my bag and dial Micheal's number "Hey baby" he answers "can't talk for long had to come out of a class" he tells me

"That's okay. The test went okay. They took the bloods alright" I smile "I've invited some people over to yours tonight if that's okay?" I ask him

"Sure baby. I've got to go now. Love you" he says

"I love you too" I smile before putting the phone down. Now if I want those two to get together I'm going to have to stay out a bit longer. I decide to go down to the Caffè and get a hit drink for myself.

Once I get back to the room it's been half an hour and I haven't had any messages from Becky telling me to hurry up. I walk into the room and am met by Becky on top of Niall kissing him... Erm do into leave or walk back in tin knocking? I decide to knock on the door and walk back in. Becky 's sat on the chair next to Niall's bed laughing her head off

"Your so funny Niall!" She laughs "That's the best joke I've ever heard"

"What joke was that then?" I ask them

"I've forgotten it now... she's been laughing like that fir the part 10 minutes" Niall tells me. And I smile going along with it... even though they both know that I don't believe them

"You took a long time" Becky says "you and Micheal on the phone all that time?"

"No, I had to go get a drink" I tell her smiling

"And you didn't think about getting us one?" Niall asks "I'm ashamed Shan. I thought you were supposed to be my friend?" Niall pretends to cry

"And I'm thought you were supposed to be my cousin?" Becky says

"And I thought you weren't supposed to lye to Family and friends?" I question them

"What do you mean? Lye?"  Niall asks

"You know what I'm talking about" I tell him "the 'joke' was more like a snog" I laugh causing them both to blush

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