Chapter 12

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"Harry!" My mum comes bursting through the hospital doors "Lets get you home love yeah?" She asks me and I smile

"That's all I want to do... go home" I tell her and she smiles "Is it alright if Li comes with us?"

"Of corse it is sweetie! He can stay over if he wants, your always welcome Liam" she tells him "I'm so thankful Liam, you know that. I'm sorry I couldn't get here as soon as it happened my work wouldn't let me go. But I'm here now Harry. But thank you Li for looking after him"

"It's fine Mrs Twist" Liam tells her "he's my best friend I'm not going to leave him" Liam says to my mum but looks at me

"Come on then boys let's go" my mum helps me out of bed and grabs my school bag which Liam takes off her. We walk to the reception where they hand me my tablets then I'm let out of the ward.

As soon as we get to the car I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket. I take it out and look at it. Louis' name flashes up on the caller I.D "you can answer it if you want to sweetie" my mum tells me and I nod. I press the accept button and put the phone to my ear bit saying a word

"Harry? Harry? Are you there? Please just talk to me!" He shouts down the phone "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have hurt you. If I could take it back I would. You could of died because of me. I know you'll probably never forgive me but I'm really sorry. I promise that this is over just give me a chance to prove myself, I want a chance with you. I'm just scared" I hear him start to cry which sets me off "Harry? Harry baby, don't cry. I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. Give me a chance. Meet me at the park tomorrow after school if you want to, I'll prove to you that it will be different. If you don't meet me I guess that this is over and I'd accept that, it might be hard but I'd have to accept that. I miss you" he says then the line goes quiet

I get into the car where mum and Liam are they both stare at me as I'm sobbing. I don't know if I should go and see him. I don't know if that would just cause more heartache. I can't cope with heartache. Sadness is all I feel, I don't think I could put myself through that.

When we finally get home me and Liam go upstairs to my bedroom "who were you on the phone to before?" Liam asks me looking concerned as I'm still crying

"It was no-nobody" I tell him and he pulls me into a hug

"Louis" he says and I feel myself cry even harder "what did he say Haz?"

Liam pulls me to sit down on my bed he then lyes down and pulls me up to his chest "what did he say to you?" He asks again

"He said that he's sorry. H-he's said to meet him at the p-park after school tomorrow and that he misses me" I tell him

"I could seriously beat him up for treating you like this" Liam says with anger in his voice "it's alright if he wants to be nice to you and everything but when he beats you up for no reason whatsoever it's uncalled for H... but it's up to you if you go tomorrow, I can't tell you what you should and shouldn't do" Liam tells me

"It's know. I just don't know what's best. I mean if I go it might cause heartache" I tell him

"And if you don't it may also cause heartache" Liam tells me "pass me your phone"

I pass Liam my phone and he sits up, I sit up aswell to see what he's doing he clicks on Louis' name and clicks on message and starts typing

To: Louis
Before I decide to come tomorrow or not can you answer me a few questions?

Liam clicks send and we wait for the reply which doesn't take long

From: Louis
Of corse Harry

Liam bits his lip as he starts to write the questions

To: Louis
1) why do you beat me up?
2) what do you want with me?
3) how will things be different?

It takes a while for a reply

From: Louis
Why do I beat you up? It kills me everytime when I do. I had to, I have to do everything Zayn says or he'll spread a rumour around like he did with Liam, just ask him he knows what Zayn is like. But I had no intention on beating you up, when he told me to I just couldn't look at you. I had to forget about everything. And when you hit the ground I thought that I had killed you. I don't think I could live with myself If I did, I would have to kill myself too.

What do I want with you? I like you Styles... I like you alot and it hurts everyday that I can't show you that, it hurts that you think that I hate you. It hurts me when I hurt you. But I like you, that's all I want from you... for you to like me which is probably very unlikely.

Things will be different as I'll tell Zayn I don't want anything to do with him. I don't care anymore what rumors he'll spread about me as long as I've got you everything will be okay. Popularity is nothing anyway because once you leave school it's all gone anyway.
I really like you Harry, just let me prove to you that I do x

Liam reads the text aloud and I can't help to cry tears of happiness... he likes me? Liam looks at me smiling but then looks serious again "I think we should message back saying that you want him to tell Zayn first before anything starts to happen"

I nod at Liam and take my phone off him and type

To: Louis
Okay. But before I say yes to any sort of meeting you I would like you to tell Zayn. Because I don't fancy going back into hospital.

From: Louis
That's fine... I understand anyway :/ I'm really sorry about how I've treated you. It will change I promise. I really like you Styles xx

To: Louis
And I like you too, but nothing can happen until I know that I'm safe. As I don't want to be hurt again.

From: Louis
You do? I will try too as soon as I can Harry. I will try everything to make you mine xx

*Louis' p.o.v *
My heart races when he said that he liked me too. Thanks to one of my true friends I feel more accepted if I do come out as gay now. It was hard to accept it myself but I will take things one thing at a time. First thing is to get myself out of Zayns gang.

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