Chapter 19

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I smile as I walk to class holding Louis' hand in my own. People may be staring at us but as long as I have Louis I don't care. Louis turns and looks at me and I smile at him, he looks a little out of place like he doesn't know what to do. As we enter the class we are met by Niall who has an even bigger grin on his face then I do.

"Why so happy?" Louis asks him laughing a little

"I went on a date... I told you about this before Louis" Niall tells us

"Oh yeah, how did it go... I'm guessing it when great" I smile at Niall

"It did Harry. Anyway a little bird told me that you two went on a date?" Niall questions us "is this true? Like is Larry a thing?"

"We did... Larry?" Louis questions him and Niall nods in response

"You did... Oh My God!" Niall squeals "Larrys a thing... shot gun ship Captain of Larry"

"Larry? Ship captain?" Louis questions him "Niall talk bloody English!"

"It ship you and Harry together, which basically means I think you should be a couple... so I'm the captain of that ship, as I was the first one to ship it... and Larry is your names together... Larry Stylinson" He smiles brightly

"So basically you approve of us dating?" I ask Niall

"Your- your dating? Why didn't you tell me this? I'm the Captain of the ship!" Niall says looking offened

"Well you should of 'shot gun' Captain before so that we knew to tell you" Louis says "how are we supposed to tell you things if you don't tell us"

"Spose" Niall sighs

Mr. Cotton enters the room and it all goes quiet we all take our seats and the lesson begins.

*Louis' p.o.v *
Shannon's not here. Maybe she's ill or something it's not like her to be ill. I take my phone out of my pocket and go on to her name and type as message

To: Shan
Hey, you okay? It's not like you to be off x

I put my phone back away and smile at Michael who's sat on his desk at the front of the class room taking through the activity that we are supposed to do. "You may start" he says I put my hand up for him to come over to me

"Louis" He asks standing next to my desk "how can I help?"

"Firstly I've no idea what we are doing" I tell him he explains what he said to the others

"So that was the first thing... what's the second?" He asks

"Second, where's Shan?" I ask him and he nods

"At her house with her cousin, she wasn't feeling well so she's had the day off" Michael tells me and I nod

"Okay that's all thank you" I tell him he walks over to someone else who has their hand up waiting for him to go over to them.

My phone buzzes so I take it back out reading the message

From: Shan
Just morning sickness... feel really rough, didn't think I could manage a day there

I put my phone away as Michael walks around the room again. I feel eyes burn into the back of me, I turn around and see Liam staring at me. I smile at him "hi"

"Hi" he says back to me

After class has finished Liam goes over to Harry and Niall joins them, which I suppose I'm going over to them. As I walk up to them I'm embraced in a hug "missed you" Harry whispers in my ear

"Missed you too" I smile kissing I'd neck

"Get a room" Niall laughs

"Harry" Liam says sternly causing Harry to pull away from me

"What Li?" Harry asks him which causes Liam to shake his head walking out of the room

"What's his problem?" I ask Harry and he shrugs his shoulders

"No idea... I'll be back in a minute" Harry says running after Liam

"He either fancies Harry or you" Niall tell me and I laugh

"Me? Yeah right" I laugh

"Zayns got suspended now" Niall says

"Has he? I wonder if Luke will try and hang out with is now then" I ask Niall

"Yeah. I was thing about that last night, but if he does its no big deal is it? We have our own minds now" Niall says

"Yeah, but he and Zayn were close... very close so Luke may just use us so that Zayn knows what's going on" I tell Niall and he nods

"Anyway on another note. Who asked who to be their boyfriend?" Niall asks

"We both planned on doing so, but I asked him... he was going to ask" I tell Niall

"Aww Louis... you two are so cute" Niall coos

"So when's your next date buddie?" I ask him

"I don't know. Soon" Niall laughs "to be honest I just like to talk to her, she listens to me which none of my ex's did so it's quite nice. To have some to listen to all my complaining then just you"

"Aw thanks. I thought that we were complaining buddies!" I sarcasticly say

"I'm sorry Lou. But you were rubbish" Niall says laughing joking around

"I'm sorry I wasn't good enough for you" I pretend to cry causing Niall to laugh even more

"Come on let's go" Niall grabs my arm and pulls me out of the class room

"Should we go find them?" I ask Niall and he shakes his head

" No, I would just give them some time to sort things out if I were you" Niall says

Although most of the time he fools around and everything he's still great for advice. I guess that is what makes is such good friends... I ask all the dumb questions and he answers them with reason. Like it's a matter of life or death if he doesn't tell the right thing. Even if it's a stupid question like why is the sky blue or something like that he still tries his best to answer.

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