Chapter 13

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*Authors note- double update! I'm so good to you ;) hope you enjoy. Don't forget to comment and vote :) *

As I walk into the school I can't seem to see anyone... not even Harry. I usually see him stood by his or Liams locker but not today, unless he's not coming in today.
"Guess who?" arms wrap themselves around my body. Their body pressed against my back

"Hey Shan" I sigh turning around "it's not that hard. Your the only girl that talks to me" I tell her and she turns me around to face her

"What's wrong with you?" She asks me

"It's Harry... he wants me to tell Zayn that I don't want anything to do with him. I know if I do that me and Harry will be fine. But if I do Zayn will make my life a living hell" I tell her biting my lip "I don't know what to do"

"Depends on if you want Harry or not. If you want him tell Zayn. If not don't tell him" she says simply and I half smile

"I want to try it with Harry. I really do" I tell her

"Well do that then" she says

"Do what Tommo?" Zayn asks

"Nothing" I tell him and he nods

"You alright Shannon?" Zayn asks rubbing her back winking at her... is he trying to flirt?

"Yeah I'm good thanks, you?" She asks him smiling

"Better now that I've seen you" he says... yes he is flirting "Tommo, you seen Styles yet?" He asks and I shake my head "Alright then, but when you see him your going to fight him again" Zayn tells me

"No I'm not" I tell him

"Are you telling me no?" Zayn asks and I nod

"I'm fed up of this Zayn... fighting with people for no reason. I've has enough of it. Harry, he hasn't done anything to you or to me so why the hell do you hate him so much? He exactly the same as us!" I shout at him causing people to stare at us but not bothering to crowed around because of Zayn, everyone's scared of Zayn.

"Don't you dare say that he's the same as us! He's no where near the same as us! He's a discussing person. He's gay! Don't you ever say that we are the same as him ever again!" Zayn snaps

"Just because he's gay... seriously Zayn grow up if that's the only reason you hate him so much. Sometimes I wonder if your a closet gay with the way that you hate openly gay people. Maybe it's because your gay and to embarrassed to tell everyone" I tell him causing him to get even angrier

"He's gay yes. He's ugly, he has no personality and he's a fucking geek Lou! Who the fuck would want to love that?!" Zayn shouts in my face. I feel my anger building up inside of me and every dig that he made about Harry. Harry's not ugly and he's got a great personality.

"I fucking would" I shout even louder causing myself to burst out crying "I would" I whisper

"Get the hell away from me Tomlinson!" Zayn shouts "I'm going to make your life's hell you know that?"

I feel myself fall to the ground crying. I can't believe that just happened. I stood up to Zayn. I did it. "Lou? Are you okay" Shannon kneals next to me and she pulls me towards her

"Are you okay down here. I don't want to hurt you" I tell her and she smiles pushing her hair back and putting her forehead against mine

"I'm fine Lou, but let's get you up you need to calm down" she tells me. All I feel is anger. Anger that Zayns only reason for me to beat Harry up was because he was gay.

"I'm hate him" I tell her and she nods

"Zayn, he was never your real friend you know that" she tells me pulling me up with her. She puts her hand on her stomach and smiles

"Can you feel it move yet?" I ask her and she shakes her head

"Let me feel" I tell her pulling her back towards my stomach so that it didn't look so obvious at what I was feeling "it's quite hard" I tell her and she nods

"Yeah" she smiles pulling away from me "when are you seeing Harry?" She changes the subject

"I don't know, I'll have to tell him that I've sorted out the problem with Zayn now" I tell her pulling my phone out of my pocket and clicking on Harry

To: Harry
I've sorted it. You want to meet at the park? x

I put my phone back in my pocket and smile "class" I tell

"Yeah, Micheal's covering the lesson" she smiles

"Is he? Does that mean we can mess around?" I laugh and she shakes her head

"Don't Lou" She tells me

"Why, will he punish you?" I laugh and she doesn't say anything just smiles shaking her head

"If me and Harry do get together we could go on double dates together with you and Micheal" I smile and she laughs

"Yeah, but that won't be for a while yet" she says "just incase we get court, you know with him being a teacher"

"Yeah... is it hard with him being a teacher? I ask her and she nods

"Yep, it's hard seeing him in school and not being able to just go over to him and talk to him like I do after school and to not hug him is quite impossible but it must be working if you didn't know that we are together" she tells me

"I wouldn't have had a clue until I court you two the other day. But I think if you two are happy together and no one is being forced to do anything you are alright" I tell her "there's nothing wrong with you and him dating. I find it quite cute to be honest" I tell her and she smiles

"Thanks Lou" She tells me as we walk into the room and take a seat

"Good morning guys!" Mr cotton smiles "so I'm covering your maths lesson today, if you don't know me I'm Mr. Cotton" he smiles at Shan and she smiles back at him. He puts his thumb up slightly as if giving a thumbs up to her and she does the same to him.
I get a piece of paper and write on it

What does the thumbs up mean?

Minutes later she starts to write on the paper back to me

It means that I'm okay and that he wants to meet me after class

She smiles at me. Micheal then goes around the class asking for people's names and one thing about them, which was intresting.

As the lesson goes on I find myself getting bored so I write on the paper

His trousers are quite tight... but he's got a nice arse ;) peachy

She looks at the paper and laughs causing Micheal to look at us both "Shannon and Louis pass me that note please" Micheal says waking up to our desk and taking the piece of paper off us. He looks at it and starts laughing but tries to cover it trying to act professional.

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