Chapter 33

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"In the morning, you know he won't remember a thing, In the morning, you know it's gonna be all. . . In the morning, you know he won't remember a thing" I sing it's stuck in my head... Razor light one of my favourite songs.

"You have a wonderful voice" a voice says from across the room " how did you end up over there love?" Harry says yarning and stretching as if he's only just woken up "and why are you singing this early not that I'm complaining"

"It just came into my head.... An ear worm. I just can't stop singing it. As for why I'm here I was just thinking why where you over there, swore you were hear next to me" I stroke the pillow next to mine

"In that case I've no idea... But I'm Hungry, do you reckon anyone else will be up?" Harry says climbing under the covers next to me.

"We could go and see" I smile but as soon as a say that he starts to kiss down my neck "or stay here" I gulp

"Let's go then" he says standing up winking at me I sigh how can he just do that... Walk away when he knows what he does to me. I stand up wrapping the sheet over me to keep me warm as I walk down stairs.

As I walk into the dining room I'm met by Harry, Shan and Michael sat around the table. "Cold Lou?" Shan asks me

"So you two were up late?" Michael asks winking at me, Harry looks at me in confusion

"As soon as my head touched the pillow I was out cold" Harry laughs

Just at that moment Niall walks in looking rather smug with himself "so Nialler? What the hell happened last night?" Michael says laughing

Niall looks at him and just smiles "I shouldn't really tell my teacher sorry" Niall replies cockily "but because I see you as more of a mate... Let's just say the night just got better after you lot went" he smiles Becky walks in and cuddles Niall from behind kissing his neck.

"So is this a real thing now?" Shannon asks

"Well we are going out on a date later so we shall confirm after" Becky says

"Oh fuck off this ain't the xfactor..." I laugh shaking my head

"Well it took you two long enough to get to the Live Finals, so I think you can live with not knowing" Niall says sarcasticly

"Right I thought that we could go out for breakfast, maybe the restaurant just out of town so it's less likely for someone to know who I am" Michael suggests, we all agree and go off to get ready.

***Harry's p.o.v****

As we get upstairs to get dressed my phone buzzes saying they I've got a text I unlock the phone and I'm frozen... Shit.

From: Brawley

Hi... I know it's a long shot but the Ed Sheeran concert is in a couple of days. Was just wondering if you wanted to still go. I know that nothing will ever happen between me and you. You choose Louis and I accept that. I am really sorry for messing with your relationship. I would still like to be friends with you. I understand if you don't want to come and never want to see me again.
Brawley X

Sent 9.34am

"You okay babe? Look like you've seen a ghost" Louis says walking closer to me "who is it?"

"Brawley..." I say throwing my phone on to the bed

"What the hell does he want?" Louis asks with a little annoyance in his voice

"The Ed Sheeran concert is in a couple of days and wanted to know if still want to go... And a big ass paragraph explaining he understands ifnindont want to go and that he wants to be friends" I say picking the phone up and passing it to Louis he unlocks it and reads the message

"Do you even want to go?" Louis asks I nod my head "but do you want to go with him?"

"I don't really know... He says that he wants to be friends, I would like that but then if he tries anything I don't think I could go if that was his intention. But he was the one who got me to see who I wanted to be with... I think if it wasn't for him our relationship wouldn't be this strong. Being with him made me see how much you mean to me and I wouldn't do anything to jeopardise our relationship. I love you too much. I love you" I shock myself saying that last bit but I do really love him. He is my world. It took me too long to release that I do.

Louis looks at me his mouth agape but he soon turns it to a smile "I-I love you too" he says throwing his arms around me kissing my lips this kiss was the most sacred kiss that I would remain firmly in my memories until my dying day. I love him and he loves me. He pulls away slowly smiling "I love you Mr Styles... I could say that all day long"

"Please do" I laugh hugging him

"You can go if you really want to" Louis says kissing my neck "but if anything does happen I don't think we can come back from it again, it killed me last time... I can't loose you again. I'm not someone to tell you what you can and can't do. So if you want to bd friends with him then I don't mind. I'm not going to control you, you have your own mind"

"Thank you Lou, it means a lot... I love you" I squeeze him harder "I promise that I will be on my best behaviour and I'll message you or call you what ever you want" there's a knock on the door and then it opens

"How are you two not ready yet?" Shan asks walking in

"We've been doing..." Before I get chance to finish she shouts that she doesn't want to know and to hurry up slamming the door shut I look at Louis and we both burst out into laughter "we better get dressed" I smile

Once we were dressed and ready me and Louis got into Michaels car with him and shan. Niall and Becky decided that they wanted to go else where so that they could get to know eachother better.

Louis sits in the middle seat at the back do that he is next to me, he puts his arm around me and cuddles up "I wish that things were different" Michael says starting the car up and pulling out of Niall's drive

"What do you mean?" Louis asks him

"Well I wish that I didn't have to drive a good few miles to be seen with you guys. I wish that it wasn't so wrong for mine and Shans relationship. I just wish that this was fine" he says

"You've got me, I wouldn't change this for the world. The sneaking around it's quite exciting. I love you and that is all that matters" Shan says

"It's only a couple of months and we won't be your students anymore. Then you can have a totally legal relationship with Shan and with us" I tell him

"Just a couple of months, seems like ages" he says "let's put some music on" he presses the button and We Found Love by Rhianna was on.

It takes another 20 minutes to get to the restaurant, when we get there I ask for a table for 4. The waiter takes us to a table which is just situated in front of a bay window with a view of the river at the back of the building.

"This is lovely" Shan says taking a seat next to Louis, I sit next to Michael on the opposite side of the table so that I'm sat infront of Louis. "So how are you two?" She asks us smiling

"Yeah good" I blush Louis looks at me laughing

"What's so funny?" Michael asks

"Harry's gone embarrassed" Louis laughs mocking me "he told me that he loved me this morning" Louis says putting his hand on top of mine over the top of the table

"Really? Did you say it back?" Shan asks to which Louis nods smiling rubbing my hand

"Yes" I tell them smiling

"Is that why you took so long this morning?" Michael asks

"Erm yes and no" I say looking at Louis "I had actually had a message from Brawley"

"What did he want?" Shan says shaking her head I pass her my phone to read the message "that's sweet, but don't let him try anything. Infront think he will but just be cautious with him. That is if you are going with him"

"I am... I think that we could be friends, as long as he can prove to me that he doesn't want anything else" I tell them looking at Louis

"Well I really hope that he can prove himself" Shan says "if not I'll get Michael to kill him".

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