chapter 34

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Today is the day of the Ed Sheeran concert with Brawley. I get myself changed and washed then I call Louis

"Hey babe, you okay?" He answers

"Yeah not bad, just thought I'd call you before I left. How are you feeling?" I ask him

"Well you know head is killing. I really shouldn't have left yours that late last night aha. What time is coming to pick you up?" Louis questions

"Half an hour" I look at my watch "so half 10" 

"Why so bloody early? Isn't it at 6 tonight?" Louis sounds pissed

"I don't know Lou. That's the time he said. Suppose it's because we've got to check into our hotel rooms and find where we are going" I tell him "please don't take anything out on me"

"I'm sorry H. I'm just protective of you. You have separate rooms right" he says, I can tell he's anxious

"Well I can look after myself Lou. Yes they are separate rooms" I tell him for the 100th time

"I'm sorry H, I just worry too much" he says

"I know you do" I smile "I love you Louis"

"I love you too, I hope you have a good night" he replies

"Thank you Louis, I'll see you tomorrow" I tell him we say good bye then hang up. I double check that I've packed everything in my bag and that I've got money And clothes.

The door bell rings I run down the stairs and open the door, Brawly is stood there smiling "your early aren't you?" I ask him then look down at my watch 15 minutes early

"Sorry, I was ready so I thought I'd come and help you" he says smiling I let him into the house

"I'm actually ready...  I just need to get my bags then I'm done" I smile "we can head off early can't we?"

"Yeah, yeah go and get your bags I'll go open the boot of the car" he says heading back out of the house. I run upstairs to fetch my bags and carry them down. I take them out to the car "you don't travel light do you! We are only gone one night" he laughs

"Well I've got a change of clothes for the concert, PJ's, clothes for tomorrow and a spare set of clothes just incase I spill food or drink down something" I tell him putting my bags in the boot.

"So two bags for two sets of clothes and PJ's?" He looks at me closing the boot "right ok" he laughs I push him laughing

"Shut up" I say as I walk towards the passengers door. I open the door and sit down it feels awkward now with him- with him being my ex then. My palms become sweaty. "So this is an half hour drive then?" I ask him and he nods

"That is true, was thinking we've got to find the hotel and park then we could go shopping and go for a meal at The Hard Rock Cafè then head for the stadium" he says smiling starting the engine

"Sounds like a plan batman" I smile at him

"This the first time you've seen him live then?" He asks me

"Yeah, I did try to get tickets for his last tour but wasnt successful, he's just amazing" I tell him

"It was hard to get these he sold out straight after I got them" he says "so I guess it was just pure luck"

"I suppose it was... I've got no luck whatsoever" I laugh it is true I'm the least luckiest person I know I've never won anything before.

"Well maybe you'll get luck tonight" Brawley says I look at him in utter shock, he said he wanted to be friends and he wouldn't do anything to jeopardise that  "No! Not like that... I ment that you might touch ed or he might see you. Nothing to do with me because we are friends"

"Yeah nothing more... Good job Lou isn't hear he would have smashed your face in" I say raising my eyebrow looking at him he smiles shaking his head slightly

"Yeah right, he couldn't hurt a fly" Brawley lets out a slight laugh

"Yeah... a fly" I bite my lip I try to hold back the tears from rolling down my face remembering the times that he had hurt me, more than hurt me in fact, he scared me on the outside and the inside. But he has changed right? Why am I questioning myself, he has changed, he isn't being abused by his step dad anymore or being pressured into hurting me... He isn't hiding his sexuality anymore. He's been through so much and has turned in to such a beautiful caring person who would do anything for me... Possibly even take a bullet for me, because I know I would for him.

"You okay Harry?" He asks I nod a lump still in my throat I try to swallow it down but it won't budge "you've gone quite"

"Yeah fine, just day dreaming of meeting Ed and him telling me he loves me" I say causing him to laugh

My phone buzzes in my pocket, I taking it out knowing it's going to be Lou

From: Lou X

I love you xxxxxxx

Sent: 10:38am

I smile, butterflies flying around in my stomach making me feel sick... I love him, I really do. I think I want to marry him.

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