Chapter 1

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My names Harry, but you probably know me as the school nerd. Yep, I'm a nerd. But to be honest I'm not a nerd, I just want to get good grades and yes I wear glasses if you were wondering. Another thing about me is that I get bullied not because I'm a nerd but because I'm gay. I told a friend I was gay and he ended our friendship and told the whole school, then he moved schools.

I have have only one friend now, Liam who has been there for me through thick and thin, bad times and good but mostly bad as nothing good happens to me, not while I'm at this school 'St Marys Technology School'.

Right now I'm looking through my social network site at one of my school bullies pages, who I kind if find quite hot, I know I shouldn't fancy my bully but you should see him! He is like pure sex on legs, my sex god! His name is Louis Tomlinson by the way. My hottest bully. His friends Niall, Zayn and Luke are my other bullies. So far I've had endless amounts o f nose bleeds from them, many cuts and bruises and one broken bone, I can't tell any of the teachers or it will get worse, trust me I've done it before. So the only person I can tell things to Liam, he helps me out of these fights most of the time when he can. Liam used to be one of the most popular guys in our school, until he started hanging out with me.

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