Chapter 25

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Gemma was wrong. I wasn't thankful that she had pulled me away from Brawley the day after, or the day after that. I was falling for him in fact, or so I think I am.

As I leave the house ready to go to school I see Liam walking towards me "alright?" He asks "been worried about you" he says

"I'm fine" I smile

"You and Louis broke up though?" He says looking confused

"And what do you want me to do? Sit and mope around all day feeling sorry for myself? Because I haven't been and I won't" I tell him sternly

"I'm not saying you should be... but Louis seemed heart broken at the weekend" He tells me

"He was the one who wanted a break" I huff

"I take it you've been seeing Brawley?" Liam asks

"You can't say anything about it. As you were the one who told me to meet up with him. I think I'm falling for him again" I tell him biting my lip

"It's fine. I never said anything did I? If you want to try and work things out with him I support you 100% and if you and Louis got back together I'd support you 100%... I'm your best mate H, I trust your decision" he tells me and I smile

"Thank you" I hug him "Now let's get going otherwise we shall be late" I pull him along


when we get to school I see Louis stood with Niall by his locker. My heart pounds in my chest, I feel like I'm going to cry. I try to walk past without him seeing me "Harry? " He shouts after me I turn my head to look at him "can we talk?" He asks and I nod, it's got to be done sooner or later.

We walk outside and sit on a bench, there's only a couple of people outside as it's cold. "I've missed you" he says looking at me I look up at him and nod

"Me too" I tell him looking down at my feet

"Look at me Haz" he says "your seeing him aren't you?" He snaps, I can't look at him. If I look at him I'll lie and tell him I haven't... but look where that got me last time. "I knew it" he says walking away

"It's not like that Louis!" I grab hold of his wrist but he tugs it back which loosens my grip on his wrist, he runs away back into the school leaving me sat outside by myself.

"Harry? Why aren't you in class?" Micheal asks sitting next to me "you and Louis broke up"

"Yeah... but I've remet someone. But I still like Louis I don't want to hurt him, but I think I already have" I tell him

"What do you mean? 'Remet' someone?" He asks "an ex?"

I nod "Yeah, we broke up years ago because he cheated on me with someone else... But he swears he's changed and he can't stop thinking about me. He seems different too, I just wanted to see if we could work on something you know"

"He cheated on you? But what if he does it again? Louis won't have you back straight away. I think you should sit down with them both at some point and talk through... obviously not together. But this is just precaution to make sure you know what you want before you go into anything" Micheal says patting my knee

"Thank you" I tell him "you've really helped alot" I smile "I wish you were gay, I'd be ok then" I laugh

"Aha, well dont get having any ideas" he says "Just think who you want before you commit yourself into a relationship" he says patting my shoulder "right I'll see you in class then" he says walking off

Thing is I have no idea who is better for me in the long run. Louis is perfect, he has the perfect smilie, eyes personality but... he broke up with me because I said that I went to see my ex. If he can't trust me with other guys I don't think I could deal with it.

On the other hand there's Brawley... he's kind, good looking funny. But then he broke my heart by cheating on me. But he has come back for me now, so does that mean anything? Maybe we are ment to be?

I hate having to make decisions about life. I really don't know how people do it. The bell rings telling me that I'm late for class.
Once I get to the class room I see Louis sat next to Niall I can't help but to stare at him. "Nice of you to join us Mr. Styles" Mr. Cotton laughs "please take a seat" It Then comes to my attention that the only seat left was the one on the other side of Louis.

I take a seat next to him and the only thing I can feel is awkwardness, because of what had previously happened between us outside. "I'm sorry, for running off like that... I should have listened to you" Louis whispers "Do you want to go for a coffee after school to talk about everything, I'll try not to run off this time" He says looking at me

"That would be nice" I tell him looking at Mr. Cotton at the front of the class whom gives me a smile.

There's a loud beeping noise which goes off and Mr. Cotton looks around then notices that it's his phone he looks worried "Sorry, I've got to take this" he says answering the phone "Hello? Are you okay?" He says I look at him a tear rolls down his cheek

"Mr. Cotton, are you okay?" One of the girls who have a crush on him asks getting him a tissue

"I'm coming now, just wait where you are I love you" he says that's when I know it's about Shannon. Louis looks at him concerned "class dismissed, go to the library or something" he says running out of the room. Louis runs out of the class after Mr. Cotton


sorry for such such a wait on this chapter! I've been busy finishing off Boyfriend Dad.. feel free to check that one out of you have enjoyed this story so far. That you all for your votes and comments! They mean alot :)

S x

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