Chapter 6

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 Friday 14 October 

And today’s question is: how could I have got it so wrong? Again! So I see Murphy and his crew. So, I go up to him and his mates, airily dismiss yesterday’s embarrassing incident and ask him if he wants to go for a soda sometime. What’s wrong with that? Cue Long Pause. Cue tumbleweed rolling across the playground. You’d think I was Angelina Jolie trying to get off with Brad Pitt on the set of Mr and Mrs Smith. Suddenly the Wicked Witches of the East and West (Eavanne and Sorcha) appear by broomstick and–what a surprise–everyone’s laughing at me all over again because I thought Murphy and I might go for a soda? I’m beginning to wonder just what you have to do in this country to not be laughed at by everyone? So that girl from the other day Siobhan took me back to her parents’ place, they are mad crazy about backgammon and are away all the time competing. Siobhan’s actually kind of cool and it was a little bit like hanging out with Amelia. Talking of which, I’m still waiting for MSN contact.

But in the meantime, Siobhan really helped me with something I was struggling to understand. Finally: Dating Dublin Style, a handy cut-out-and-keep guide to the Dos and the Don’ts.

Here are the Don’ts. 

1. Guys and girls DON’T hang out together in Ireland.

2. They DON’T date. No soda. No study dates. No bowling. No Ball Games.

3. And here is what you can DO.

4. You DO just go out with each other but without actually going out anywhere.

5. You DO occasionally have a snog.

6. Umm. That’s it.

7. What? 

So Siobhan told me that once upon a thousand years ago Eavanne and Murphy had a snog and now Eavanne reckons they’re going out – although they’re not –and gets really jealous if he talks to any other girls.

Yes. Because that all makes perfect sense. Not. What am I going to do? Every day it’s more confusing. One thing I do know though: Eavanne can’t stop Murphy and I being friends. I mean, you just can’t decide you’re going out with someone and therefore control who they’re friends with, can you? That would be mental. 


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