Chapter 20

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Monday 5 December 

11:00 a.m.

Panic at the computer in the IT room!

Fat Playaz: 1,000 hits

Murphy and Crew: 100 hits

11:01 a.m.

I have to find some way of helping Murphy and his crew.They have until Friday to sort something out to get more hits than Fat Playaz. I am worried, if Murphy doesn’t win this competition he’s likely to fall into some kind of gloomy mood. A mood which will not encourage him to a) finish (not) going out with Eavanne, and b) start dating me properly (you know–not in a way where I have to make lists to try to work it out).


Oh no no no noooooooooo. There’s some good news: Murphy’s deep dark moment of panic is over. But there’s also some bad news and this is mainly because Murphy has had this ker-azy idea to organize another Flashmob. This time somewhere that would get him noticed. Like at the school. Well, actually in the school library, this Fridayat 4:00p.m. And I have agreed to take part. Well what would you do? This is Murphy.


I just couldn’t say no. He was just looking at me, right at me, and I felt all gooey inside like a big melted marshmallow. And you wouldn’t expect a big gooey marshmallow to say no to anything, would you? Well – neither could I.

Well, I did say I would do anything!! I’m not the sort of girl who goes back on her word to help someone. Yeah, say that to the Head, Aisling, just before she expels you.

Because, if we get caught – it’ll be CURTAINS for me. I’ll worry about that later – there’s actually no way we can get caught. You know why? Because we’re going to be wearing masks.

Gotta run – if I’m any later for the Shane’s Party meeting– I might as well rename the business Parties-have-Gone.Ha ha.


Siobhan and I have noticed that every time we’re with Ali he’s always looking at his watch as if he can’t wait to get away. She teases me that he can’t wait to get away from all my stories about Irish Dance, I tease her that it’s because he really fancies her and he’s counting the minutes that he can spend with her. Ha ha. Hey maybe it’s because he thinks we’re really boring and so can’t wait to getaway. I hope it’s not that.


It’s not that! Ali’s not really allowed to be out that late or his Dad really gets on at him. He sounds really strict. Bet his Dad doesn’t wish he was a hippy and endlessly revisit and change his Top 5 list of the ‘Best Live Shows’ he’s ever been to like mine does.


Tough call. Shane’s party of the year has been moved to this Friday. Apparently there was another party-of-the-year on the Saturday so Shane’s had to move. Siobhan mentioned it fairly casually and I tried to be casual as well but inside I was shouting Noooooooooo. Because it’snow on the same day as the flashmob.

Places I need to be on Friday afternoon at the sametime: 2

Numbers of Aisling Louise Fitzsimonses in existence: 1

What am I going to do? I can’t let Murphy down – I want to help him so much, and I can’t let Siobhan and Ali down – they’re my only friends here and they’re relying on me for the grade in the project.

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