Chapter 29

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Wednesday 21 December


As days go, this has to be pretty much one of the worst days ever. No one is speaking to me at school. It’s likethe first day again, only this time there’s no chance of making new friends. I had to eat my cheese sandwiches on my own like a loser. Everyone was laughing and sharing crisps and sitting in little groups. The geeks by the computer block, the plastics near the heaters, the witches hanging round Murphy’s crew – what a surprise – and then me, all alone. Again.

Talking of Murphy, he called me about a million times. But I have nothing to say to him. Nothing good anyway so it’s better to just ignore him. If I’d never met him I’d still be doing OK at school, I’d still have some friends who were talking to me and I’d never have walked out of Irish Dancing.

Another call from Murphy. Why won’t he just leave me alone?

Another one. This is getting ker-azy. I did what he wanted, I doubt he ever liked me at all, just needed a girl who could dance for his crew. I lost all my friends and he got his dance with Ace FX, what on earth does he need me for now? Nothing, so why won’t he just leave me alone?


I saw the other girls going in to Irish Dance. I felt really weird about it. Like a magnet being pulled towards them.I couldn’t stop looking at them and trying to listen to what they were saying. They were all chattering about competitions like I used to with Amelia and Colleen and Lauren back home.


Murphy and I had a big row. I told him how he dragged me away from the thing I really loved. He thought I meant dancing with him. How arrogant to think that. I mean Irish Dancing. I’m still really annoyed with him. I told him I don’t know how he could think I ratted him out. He says he knows now it was Eavanne and Sorcha but that’s not the point.


He says he’s got something to show me. He says if I really want to do Irish Dance then he wants to show me some real Irish Dance, not the stuff that Killer Kennedy teaches us. This guy certainly doesn’t know how to give in gracefully. I do hope it’s not a flashmob round Aunty Stell’s house because I am not in the mood. 


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