Chapter 34

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Monday 16 January

I ran into Murphy today. I’d taken a break from practising Irish Dance and found myself practising i-breaks – Rory can get to me even when he’s not around, it seems. I got quite into it, ended up grabbing a broom and throwing in a few moves I saw the old guys do when Murphy and I went out to the Wicklow mountains. There I was just dancing round with a broom, round and round and then Boom. Straight into Murphy. I felt really bad, I hadn’t replied to his email, I didn’t know what to say to him. He made it really easy for me. He said he’d been watching me dance, and the moves he’d seen me do were actually pretty good. So, I showed a couple of the moves Rory and I worked out. They did seem like they really worked. Shame no one’s ever going to see them. I did apologize for avoiding him and he was really cool about it. He was a bit funny about the Irish Dance competition, said he’d been thinking about whether it’s more important to win or figure things out for yourself. He gave me that Murphy look again like the time he got cross with me for choosing the Irish Dance over the b-boying. I wanted to say I have figured things out for myself. I have to learn the steps the proper way otherwise I can’t win the competition and I know that’s the right thing to do. But by the time I’d thought of anything to say he’d gone. How does he always manage to make me feel so unsure just when I think I’ve got everything well and truly figured out? How?

5:45 p.m.

I know I should be thinking about the World Championships. But I cannot stop thinking about Murphy. I keep thinking about the way we danced when we went to the beach, how it felt to be on the back of his bike, the way he smiles sort of more with his top lip than his bottom lip, kind of goofy, kind of cute, cute, cute.


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